Tips for A Successful and Stress Free House Move

Last Updated: February 9, 2024Categories: General tips5.1 min read

Most people would agree that moving house can be one of the most stressful experiences there is.

Tips for A Successful and Stress Free House Move

Let’s go through some top tips to help your transition from your old home into your new home, be an easy one.


Being organised with your house packing is key to a smooth house move. Organizing your house hold items into boxes room by room will help when unpacking into your new property. Labelling all of the boxes with what the contents are is a great idea, as you don’t want to be searching for your kettle in your new home now having a clue where it might be. Keep your labeling clear and simple, do not confuse things by writing too much detail on them. For example write down the name of the room that the contents of the box belongs to and where in the room they belong.

Another idea would be to colour code all your boxes and items, so when you are moving them around it is easy at first sight to know what the contents are and which rooms they should be put in. Be selective with your packing as well and use this as an opportunity to get rid of those items you no longer need. If you haven’t used the item in the last year then really think if it is needed or not. As it will be better to get rid of it now instead of carrying extra weight in your boxes.

Start Your Packing Early

As soon as you have a move-in or out date, start preparing your household items to pack. There is nothing worse than leaving this important job until the last minute. It is a time consuming job so it’s best to try and tackle it as early as possible. Using a commercial removals company could help make the move a lot smoother and quicker but again make sure to book there services as early as possible. If you are able to, maybe even try and take some time off work a week or so before the big move, so that you have enough hours in the day to organize everything. It can be a very stressful time, so it’s best to start early to avoid a late rush.

Make To Do Lists

You can save a lot of time and stress by making lists and following them in order. Work from room to room, keeping note of all the important items you most remember to pack, as well as those fragile items that may need extra protection. If you plan to spread the packing jobs over time a to do list will help you keep on top of what has already been done and what is left to do.

Ask For Help

Moving house is not a one person job, even if you live alone. The more people you can get to help you in the moving process the quicker it will get done. Try and ask family members or friends to help, you could even try and bribe them with some cookies in your new home.

Tips for A Successful and Stress Free House Move - kids with boxes

Hire A Moving Company

If you have alot of contents in your house that needs moving, or if you are moving to a large house, look into hiring a removal van or moving company specialist. There are many companies out there offering all different types of services. Some offer simple van removal help where they will drive all your packed boxes from your old home to your new home. Others will even offer services where they will wrap and box all of the contents of your home and unwrap them into the correct rooms. It is always best to shop around to find the best prices and to check out reviews of the company before committing to them.

Keep The Important Items With You

When it’s finally time for moving day, you should keep the real important stuff close to hand. What is the point of boxing up those items that you may need straight away as soon as you move into your new home. Keep all those important paperwork that you may need with you as well as things like toiletries and essential items. By doing this when you arrive at your new home you should have all the main essentials you need straight away with no delay in locating them. Also keep those really important items like passports with you at all times. Items like these can be easily lost when packing boxes, so it’s best to keep them as close as possible. Should you be a big tea or coffee drinker, make sure you know where exactly your kettle is packed. There would be nothing worse than needing that caffeine hit and struggling to find your kettle.

Prioritise Your Order of Unpacking

Before you start to unpack in your new home, think which household items are the priority and which can wait a few days. Your basic essentials should be at the top of that list, whereas items like your books or family photos there is no real rush to unpack so can be left those few extra days before worrying about them

Try to Enjoy The Experience

Although house moving is known to be one of the most stressful times in anyone’s life, try and enjoy the experience.

Remember you are now moving to a new home, where new adventures will be taking place. Try and put to the back of your mind the amount of work packing and then unpacking takes and try and look forward to the exciting new experiences you will have in your new home. If you find yourself getting overly stressed by it all then make sure you take a fifteen minute break, compose yourself before re-starting the work at hand. You will find by doing this it will make everything run a lot smoother. Hopefully these tips can help to make your moving experience as stress free as possible and to speed up the process. Good Luck!

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  1. Charlotte Fleet August 11, 2021 at 8:59 pm

    My mom and dad are moving out of my childhood home next month and into a new house that they can retire in. I appreciate you explaining why hiring a moving company is beneficial and how it is smart to find reviews online before you choose one. I will suggest that my parents find a reputable moving company to assist their move by checking reviews.