Tips To Waterproofing Your Basement In New Jersey

Waterproofing Your Basement

Every homeowner in New Jersey dreams of keeping their basement free from seepage, mold, and moisture. However, when it rains heavily or snows, the flooding in your basement can cause serious water damage. A flooded basement can also be a breeding ground for mildew and bacteria which can cause diseases such as diarrhea. Waterproofing your basement is a sure way of keeping your house dry and protecting your family’s health and safety. Here are few tips to waterproofing your basement in New Jersey.

Fix All The Cracks On The Driveway And Patio

The state of New Jersey experiences heavy rain and high humidity often. If your driveway slopes towards your house, then water intrusion is bound to occur. Ensure that you fix all visible cracks on your driveway and patio. A special sealant can be injected into the crack to block out moisture and leaks. Waterproof coatings can also be used to stop condensation and dampness. You can also fix the slope by installing a curb to redirect the flow of water.

Control Standing Water In Your Yard

Most basements in New Jersey are prone to flooding every time it rains heavily. This is why it is important to control standing water in your yard. The low areas in your yard could be the reason why there is poor drainage. Soil quality can also cause water to stand for long periods of time. Yard drainage can be used to correct this problem. Also, check if the water is flowing from your neighbors and fix any damaged plumbing pipes to stop the problem.

Fix And Maintain Your Gutters

The function of rain gutters is to channel rainwater away from your basement. However, poorly maintained gutters can cause basement flooding and sometimes the collected roof water can seep into the walls of your foundation and cause cracking. Ensure that regularly maintain your gutters. You can also install gutter guards to prevent debris from clogging your gutters.

Install A French Drain

A properly installed French drain is a great defense against basement leaks. A French drain uses a perforated pipe which redirects all the water away from the foundation keeping your basement dry. The biggest advantage of installing a French drain is that it takes away the moisture. Thus, you will never again have to deal with a messy and flooded home. A French drain can also work with a sump pump to carry the water outside.

Waterproofing your basement - basement french drain

Foundation Repair

If your foundation is severely damaged, then structural repair is highly recommended. If an inspection in your home has uncovered mold, termites, cracks in your drywall, musty odors and bowed walls in your basement then it means that your house has structural issues that require urgent attention. A professional waterproofing contractor in New Jersey can help you deal with this foundation problems and keep your home in good shape.


There you have it; most basic tips to waterproofing your basement in New Jersey; leaky basement and mold giving you problems? Dry Basement solutions is a basement waterproofing company in NJ that is experienced to handle all your basement related needs. For basement waterproofing, mold remediation and foundation repair, you can count on Dry Basement Solutions to sort it out once and for all. Call them today for your free estimate.

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