The Top Home Problems that Can Occur in Winter

Published On: January 14, 20200 Comments on The Top Home Problems that Can Occur in WinterTags: , , Last Updated: February 12, 20242.6 min read

Homeownership has so many perks.  You can customize every inch of your property, you don’t have to worry about landlords, and you get to rest knowing that it’s yours.  The only problem is that when you own a home, then you own the challenges that come with it. Winter is harsh and can bring on some significant issues.

The Top Home Problems that Can Occur in Winter

Here are a few common issues and some ways to prepare for them.

Problems with the Outside of the Home

1- Ice buildup can cause roof damage

More than one thing can cause this issue.  From inadequate heating in your home to low-quality roofing materials, ice will find a way.  One easy way to guard against the freeze is to ensure your gutters get cleared. Ice buildup can quickly cause roof damage and may force you to replace your roof sooner than expected.

2- Slick driveway and sidewalks

If someone slips and falls on your property, they could try to sue you for injuries.  It’s in your best interest to salt and shovel as quickly as you can. Don’t let snow build up and melt and freeze; it’ll get harder to remove the longer it’s there.

3- Windows cracking or fogging

Poor insulation, or delayed heating repair, can leave your windows fogged the whole season.  Keep in mind that insulation plays a big hand in keeping moisture and cold out.  If your home is well heated, and the padding is thick enough for the size of your home, you can fight off the cold.

The Top Home Problems that Can Occur in Winter - snow

Problems Inside the Home

1-  Cold spots and breezes

It’s frustrating to come inside to avoid the cold and have more icy weather inside. If your doors or windows are drafty, you can replace them, or look into rubber weatherstripping to fill any gaps.  Drafts can be caused by poor insulation, which can get rectified by hiring in repair services after the seasons change back. Proper insulation will keep your electricity bills down in winter as well as summer.

2- Beware frozen and bursting pipes

When living in the southern states, a lot of pipes are run through attics, or along with the siding.  External pipes don’t offer excellent protection against the cold and can lead to burst pipes. If you’re not in a place to redo your pipes, another option is to allow some water flow during the night. Moving water doesn’t freeze as quickly.

3- Leaks

If any moisture does get in through the roof, you can quickly find yourself with leaks and stained ceilings.  It’s better to catch them during the season, rather than wait for better weather when the stains may have spread further.  Some roofing companies offer temporary patches that will last you the season.


Winter is already a harsh season, with the cold trying to get into your home in any way that it can.  With careful upkeep and thoughtful planning, you can make sure that your house survives the cold without trouble.

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The Handyman Tips Team is a group of authors that provides tips on the Handyman Tips website. The Handyman Tips team consists of real handymen, contractors, carpenters, woodworkers, and experts in home repairs, appliance repairs, and landscaping. The team is always there for visitors to the Handyman Tips website. If you can't find the answer to your question on the Handyman Tips website, one of them will reply to you almost immediately if you contact them through the Ask the Handyman page!

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