Avoid these 4 emergency plumbing issues in the winter

Last Updated: October 24, 2024Categories: Plumbing tipsTags: 4.1 min read

There is nothing better than the cold weather setting in when all you have to do is bundle yourself up in some warm clothes and sit beside the fireplace with a cup of hot chocolate in your hand. But for homeowners, the coming of the winter means getting your home prepared so that there is no intense damage to the house during this frost. Winters near Lake Odessa can get quite bad and it is always best to prep your home for winters in the right way instead of having to deal with an emergency later on if you have one of these plumbing issues in the winter.

frozen outdoor hose

There are quite a few issues that you might face, but here are some of the most common plumbing issues to avoid this winter.

Frozen pipes

When the temperature drops this low, there is quite a high possibility of our pipes completely freezing over and leading to a huge problem in our plumbing. These are quite common and can be quite serious. If not looked into immediately, they can lead to horrible and extensive water damage to our homes. Frozen pipes lead to backed-up water in the pipe. This means that your pipe can burst at any given point in time and can leave you penniless dealing with it. It is important to check all of your pipes before the winters set in.

Clogged kitchen drains

In below-freezing temperatures, there can be quite some problems with kitchen drains. We tend to entertain people at our home more during the holiday season, which means more cooking and more use of the kitchen drain. This can lead to more fat and grease going down the drain. Most people need to call a plumber when the drains get clogged too badly. Keep a check on your drain in order to prevent this from happening and try to throw all small pieces of food in the trash instead of in the kitchen drain in order to save you a ton of money.

frozen drain

Failure in water heating

If your water is not getting warm as easily as it used to, you might be having issues with your water heating. It is important to check for issues such as leaky pipes and rusted ones. Even sediment buildup in the tank can lead to these issues. The colder it is, the harder it will be for your water heater to do its job. Make sure that your pipe and tanks are insulated so that you can avoid such a hassle.

On the other hand, another plumbing problem that you may have to deal with in the colder months is your boiler. Like a water heater, a boiler can also be used for heating water in a closed vessel for various household needs, such as taking a hot shower and washing clothes. Aside from that, it can also be used to heat the house through heating systems.

For that reason, it’s indeed essential to have a boiler in your house, especially during the winter months. However, as the temperature drops during this season, your boiler’s efficiency and performance are also affected. Some common plumbing issues with a boiler during the winter include unusual noises, the equipment keeps on shutting down, and no hot water or heat around the house.

Hence, when you notice any of these problems, it may be best to call plumbing professionals who specialize in boiler repair Kilburn or wherever you may be located. They can come over to your house, inspect the boiler, and address the problem immediately. By doing this, you can keep your boiler running smoothly to provide you with the hot water or heat you need in the colder months.

Damage to the outdoor drains

The most damage can occur to the areas which are not protected by the heating inside your house. This means all the outdoor drains can be subjected to damage during the cold weather. Leaves tend to clump together after the fall near the drain and might block the drain. This means that your water will not drain correctly and standing water can easily freeze over, leading to clogged drains. Be sure to take care of this as it can flood up your basement and damage the foundation of your house. It is very important to prepare your house for handling the severe distress of winter on plumbing. Besides, dealing with plumbing issues during the winter season can be stressful. You have to call an experienced plumbing professional in your area and spend money to cover the costly repair. To make sure it doesn’t happen, use this list to help you avoid these 4 types of emergencies and always do a regular winter plumbing maintenance before the winter starts.

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