How Do You Survive a Broken Air Conditioner in Arizona?

Last Updated: February 9, 2024Categories: General tipsTags: , 3.2 min read

Air conditioning is vital for survival, especially in Arizona during the hot summer months. What do you do if yours goes out? Knowing how to keep cool in an emergency could save your life.

How Do You Survive a Broken Air Conditioner in Arizona

Find out how to do so here while you wait for your air conditioner to get repaired.

Stay Cool

If your ceiling fan goes out, you’ll need to take steps to keep your body temperature at normal level to avoid overheating. You may want to put wet rags on your head or neck to keep yourself cool. Wetting your clothes with cool water can also help to absorb heat and maintain your body temperature. When you are sleeping, consider wetting your sheets to provide a cool layer beneath you that absorbs heat throughout the night.

Turn the Fan On

Air movement can help to cause a wind chill effect indoors. While fans don’t cool the air, they can help to keep you dry and help your sweat evaporate, which can help to keep you cooler. Be sure to point your ceiling fan down if you have one and decide to turn it on. Once nightfall begins, you might be able to bring in cooler air from outside by positioning your fan so it blows it inside your home.

Limit Your Activity

Limiting physical activity can help to reduce the chance that you overheat if your AC goes out. Your body needs to be able to cool itself down or it can overheat, and if you are too active your body could be easily at risk of dangers from heat-related illness. If you have any work you were planning on doing around your home, wait until your AC can turn on and don’t use this as an opportunity to get something done.

How Do You Survive a Broken Air Conditioner in Arizona - fan

Use Ice

Ice can be a vital tool that you use to lower room temperatures while you wait for your AC to be repaired. Ice can slowly melt as it absorbs heat and lowers the ambient air temperature inside your home. Once the water melts, it will also be cold, and it will absorb a significant amount of energy as it warms. Once you run out of ice, you can simply replace it to keep the interior of your home cool.

Don’t Produce Heat

Take steps to prevent your home from heating due to your own activities within it. Home appliances such as ovens, dishwashers, washing machines, and dryers can create significant amounts of heat, especially during the day. If your AC is out, hold off on washing your dishes and clothes, and switch to no-prep, no-cook meals. If the nights are cool enough, you might be able to run these devices when you can let the cooler air in.

Keep Heat Out

Keeping heat out of your home is perhaps the easiest way to prevent yourself from overheating should your AC fail. Arizona’s hot sun can bring a tremendous amount of heat into your home, so hanging curtains on windows that receive intense sunlight can mitigate much of this. An outside shade can also block light from hitting your home and coming in through the windows or warming the walls. White surfaces also reflect heat and light, which can help both inside and outside of your home. A broken air conditioner represents an emergency situation, especially if you or your loved ones are elderly or if you have children or pets in your home. If you have questions about air conditioner repair or replacement, you can visit for more information. Getting a speedy and reliable repair is vital to protecting the health and safety of those in your home.

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