3 Alarming Signs of a Sewer Line Clog: How Important Is Regular Cleaning?

Published On: December 14, 20210 Comments on 3 Alarming Signs of a Sewer Line Clog: How Important Is Regular Cleaning?Tags: Last Updated: February 3, 20245.2 min read

Sewage and drain cleaning services eliminate common substances from inside the pipes, and the owner won’t have to worry about significant clogs. Over time, minerals, waste products, and rust could accumulate around the edges of the pipes and stop water and other liquids from flowing through the lines.

3 Alarming Signs of a Sewer Line Clog

If the property owner sets up the cleaning services appropriately, the water and sewer lines stay cleaner and won’t cause backups into the toilets and bathtubs. Professionals can inspect the lines and make recommendations for the owners. By following strict maintenance guidelines, owners protect their investments and keep their plumbing systems operating at higher performance levels.

1. Sudden Low Water Pressure

A clog prevents water from flowing through the water lines as expected, and the water pressure is affected by the blockage. Plumbers will have to complete a drain camera inspection to find the source of the clog and remove the debris or fix the line. Some waste materials build up around the inside of the lines and stop the particles from flowing out to the sewage system appropriately. If the clog has a lot of waste around the affected area, the water pipes could rupture and allow waste products to flow underground or even underneath the property. The location of the issue defines what results are possible.

Sometimes removing the blockage helps correct the problem and restores the water pressure. If the sewage line is broken, the plumber must find the affected line and replace the pipes to allow water to flow to the home properly. These clogs could cause slow-moving drains in the bathtubs or sinks. Water pressure changes are common signs of a broken line, and the plumber must determine if the damaged line is the owner’s or the utility company’s responsibility. The best course of action is to set up line cleaning services to remove debris that stops the waste products from draining to the sewage system. The pipes are pressure washed, and the homeowner won’t have to worry about backups or major damage. Property owners can learn more about sewer line cleaning from United Plumbing and set up an appointment now.

2. Waste Backing Up Into the Property

Every homeowner’s worst plumbing nightmare is a waste backup flowing into toilets, bathtubs, showers, and sometimes sinks. The problem is a definite sign that the sewer line is clogged or broken, and the plumber will need to check the septic tank if the property has one. With these hindrances, the toilets will not flush correctly without serious plunging, and even after all the waste won’t go back down. If the issue is more complex and affects the septic tank along with the sewer lines, the owner will need to set up sump pump services to remove the waste inside the septic system. If the tank is damaged, too, the owner must set up septic tank repairs with sewer line cleaning services. Whenever waste begins to flow outside the property up from the ground, there is a higher risk of groundwater contamination, and this could pose a serious risk for everyone in the community.

Regular sewer line cleaning prevents these events and improves the way waste flows into the sewage system. Since the lines are cleaned thoroughly, buildup won’t come back into the property, and the owner won’t have to worry about health risks to themselves, their family, or their neighbors. The high-powered hoses flush out all waste and mineral deposits in the sewer and water lines. Over time, these particles can create a thinner space for water and waste to flow through. If the lines aren’t maintained and cleaned at least every six months, the property owner is at risk of more clogs and backups. Plumbing professionals complete the services in a short time and improve the way the plumbing system works.

3 Alarming Signs of a Sewer Line Clog - sewer line clog

3. Foul Odors Coming From the Water Lines

Unpleasant smells coming from any drain or water line in the home require immediate inspections. Even if the problem isn’t the sewer lines, there could be a clog that is allowing bacterial growth in the water lines that are an imminent threat to the owner’s health. Any time that the lines are clogged and aren’t managed instantly, harmful substances can lurk in the pipes and go back into the property. Waste backups in the sewer lines have a horrible smell and are easier to distinguish. If the owner notices these unwanted odors, a call to their preferred plumbing service will give them the answers the owner needs. If waste smells are flowing into the home, the sewer line is broken or damaged and needs to be fixed.

A serious clog could lead to more issues with connections to the plumbing system. A plumber will check all sinks, toilets, bathtubs, and showers for signs of dangerous particles. If the owner has experienced slow-moving drains such as the toilet, a plumber must find the clog and remove it quickly to prevent wastewater and materials from coming back through the water lines and into the property. Frequent sewer and drain cleaning services mitigate these risks and force bacteria and other harmful substances into the sewage system. The products coat the inside of the water lines and prevent proper drainage if the pipes aren’t cleaned regularly enough. Professionals recommend cleaning these lines at least twice a year, but if the owner has more persistent plumbing issues, cleaning more often could prevent major problems.

Residential property owners know all too well that each year, there are certain tasks to schedule to maintain their homes. Structural maintenance doesn’t just apply to the framing and the interior or exterior of the building only. The plumbing system is critical for the owner and must operate as expected to move wastewater and products to the local sewage system. If there is a clog or line damage, a plumber must repair the problem fast. If a leak or clog isn’t managed appropriately, harmful substances could flow back into the home or around the exterior and threaten the groundwater. By hiring a plumber to clean the sewer lines, owners avoid significant issues and major costs.

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