Simple Ways To Maximize Your Heating Oil Efficiency
Home heating is essential to keep your living space cozy and comfortable during the harsh winter months, no matter how cold it gets outdoors. Heating oil is a good option as it is often more efficient, less expensive, and safer than the other alternatives. Despite these advantages, it can easily be a big part of your winter budget. But you only need to do your bit to maximize its efficiency. Just a little effort can take you a long way with cost savings and eco-friendliness.
Here are some simple measures you can adopt to get more with less with your home heating oil.
Clean your heating system
Dirt and dust can compromise the performance of your heating system, so you must ensure it is clean and well-maintained at all times. If you fail to do it, the components have to work harder. They end up burning bigger amounts of fuel to fulfill your heating requirements. Call an experienced technician for deep cleaning the furnace once every few months. They can also do regular maintenance checks and recommend repairs or replacements if required.
Turn down the thermostat
Heating oil usage also depends on the temperature setting inside your living space. The higher the temperature setting, the more fuel is consumed. At times, you may do it unintentionally only because you do not have a programmable thermostat at your place. Consider upgrading to one as it can help you program the system to run different heat settings automatically at different times of the day. Lower the settings a bit and you can save a considerable amount of heating oil during the season.
Keep the tank full
When the oil tank is close to getting empty, it will use up more fuel. Moreover, sludge can impair its performance to a significant extent. It can even clog the system and restrict the flow of oil, resulting in extensive damage. Ensure that you get timely refills for the tank before the fuel falls down to a certain level. You can order fuel replenishment online at and relax as the provider will refill your tank within two days. Additionally, you have the assurance of quality heating oil that runs efficiently and sustainably.
Seal duct leaks
The furnace delivers heat throughout the house through a network of aluminum air ducts. These ducts can sustain damage down the years. As it happens, a significant amount of heated air can escape before it reaches different parts of the house. The system has to work much harder to maintain warmth, increasing the amount of oil used every day. Investing in the regular cleaning and repair or replacement of damaged air ducts is a good measure. It boosts efficiency and reduces wastage of heating oil. Keep track of an aging system and get regular maintenance checks and repairs to prevent duct leaks.
These simple measures can go a long way in boosting the heating oil efficiency of your living space. The effort and expense are worthwhile as you can save a fortune on your winter heating budget.
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The Handyman Tips Team is a group of authors that provides tips on the Handyman Tips website. The Handyman Tips team consists of real handymen, contractors, carpenters, woodworkers, and experts in home repairs, appliance repairs, and landscaping. The team is always there for visitors to the Handyman Tips website. If you can’t find the answer to your question on the Handyman Tips website, one of them will reply to you almost immediately if you contact them through the Ask the Handyman page!
You got my attention when you said that your system could use up more fuel when the tank is close to getting empty. This is something that my husband and I will consider since we want to find a reliable and cost-effective type of heating oil. Also, he is looking to have diesel fuel delivered for his truck. Thanks for sharing this.