Furnace Repair: Tips for Getting Your Furnace Running Smoothly
From keeping the air in your home at the right temperature to heating up your water, your furnace plays a key role in your home comfort. And with maintenance and repair tasks you can do on your own, you don’t need to contact a contractor every time you have a furnace issue.
Here are five things you can do yourself to help keep your furnace running smoothly.
Clean Your Filters Regularly
The filters in your furnace help to prevent debris like dust and hairs from jamming your furnace. They usually get full of debris after being in place for a while. This forces your furnace to work harder to suck air through the clogged filter and places extra strain on the furnace. How often you need to replace your filters will depend on several factors. How regularly you clean your house, whether you have done any renovations recently, and whether or not you have pets around matters a lot. As a general rule, you should inspect your filters at least once every month for debris, and in case you see debris on the surface, you need to either replace the filters or wash them if they are the reusable type.
Inspect the Pilot Light
The pilot light on a furnace can tell you a lot about how the furnace is operating. It shows you how the gas is burning, and also whether the ratio is right or wrong. You can also prevent a lot of dangerous problems by simply checking the pilot light. Always ensure that the pilot light is blue because a yellow flame, or a flame that is any other color besides blue, means something isn’t right. It may mean that your furnace is producing excess carbon monoxide.
Ensure the Area Surrounding the Furnace is Clear
Most furnaces are installed in the basement along with other household items that are not used regularly. To ensure your furnace is efficient in the long-term, always keep the area around the furnace at least 3-5 foot clear of any items. Besides helping the furnace operate smoothly in the long-term since air can flow freely, it is also a matter of safety due to the gas burning inside the furnace.
Schedule Annual Inspections
Performing regular small maintenance is vital, but annual inspections can be just as important. Make a point of having your furnace inspected and tuned up at least once in a year to ensure it is operating at its peak efficiency. A single faulty part can exert stress on the entire system and lead to abrupt breakdowns. It’s important to ensure your furnace is properly maintained, every homeowner should ensure they understand what it takes to keep their furnace operating properly. In case you detect certain problems that you don’t feel comfortable fixing, you should contact a professional furnace repair and maintenance service. Reputable companies are available for Furnace Repair in Rougemont NC that can help you address the problem.Making a home a place that provides a feeling of security is a task of paramount importance. After all, your home is the place you feel the safest, the most secure. One of the biggest investments you make in your home is that of your furnace. The right furnace can provide not only warmth and security, but also help you save on the costs of utilities.
About the author
The Handyman Tips Team is a group of authors that provides tips on the Handyman Tips website. The Handyman Tips team consists of real handymen, contractors, carpenters, woodworkers, and experts in home repairs, appliance repairs, and landscaping. The team is always there for visitors to the Handyman Tips website. If you can’t find the answer to your question on the Handyman Tips website, one of them will reply to you almost immediately if you contact them through the Ask the Handyman page!