Top international flower delivery services worldwide

Last Updated: February 9, 2024Categories: General tipsTags: 3.1 min read

Delivering flowers worldwide is a big business globally. Every year, companies and various courier services ship hundreds of consignments of flowers worldwide. There are plenty of occasions both in the East and the West like New Year, Christmas, Easter, Diwali, Holi respectively, where flowers are utilized on a large scale. Besides, in many nations like France, Spain, Netherlands, flowers are presented to the host by all the guests. Who can forget the big fat Indian wedding, with its incredible combination of various types of flowers? Many people hire florists specifically for wedding purposes.

Top international flower delivery services worldwide

Now, if you wish to send your favorite bouquets to any of your friends, relatives in some other country, you should avail of these top international flower delivery services, which are there globally.

1) Flora Queen

Flora Queen is one of the most popular international flower delivery services, which commenced its journey in Barcelona, Spain in 2004. They send flowers to more than a hundred nations globally. They have a very large selection size and deal specifically in roses and lilies. The average price of flowers ranges from thirteen to ninety euros and the average delivery fees range from seven to fourteen euros respectively. Users can make payments using PayPal, Discover, Visa, MasterCard, and PayU.

2) FTD

FTD company is another premium gifting and florist firm. They are specialists in mixed florals and their selection size is large. The price of their flower collection ranges from thirty dollars to two hundred and fifty dollars. FTD has a very nominal delivery fee of twenty dollars only. It is a pioneer in the field of flower deliveries, having started way back in 1910, in the USA. All kinds of payment methods are accepted like AMEX, Visa, Master Card, Diners Club, and Discover.

3)  The Flower Business

The Flower Business is a well-defined network, which assists their customers in sending their gifts and flowers in the whole world, by connecting with their florists and gifts suppliers, which provide quality products and optimum prices. The company is open from nine in the morning to eight in the night, from Monday to Saturday. They provide a large selection size, of flowers.

4)  Bloom Nation

This company known as Bloom Nation is a marketplace for people who wish bouquets and quality flower arrangements. Bloom Nation is specializing in colorful centerpieces, which have a large selection size of flowers. The price of those flowers varies from fifty dollars to two hundred dollars. Payment for the flowers is done by credit card and cash.

Top international flower delivery services worldwide - flower delivery

5) InterFlora

InterFlora consists of a massive network of florists, from various parts of the globe. The collection is geared towards the upper range of society. The selection size of the flowers is large and it is designed for luxury bouquets. The price of the flowers varies from twenty pounds to one hundred and thirty-five pounds, along with the delivery fees of eight pounds to eleven pounds only. Customers do the payment using AMEX, Visa, Master Card, and DELTA.

6) Direct2 Florist

Direct2 Florist was started in the year 2007, by a team of florists, for providing access to hundreds of flower shops worldwide. Just connect with their customer care center, and the flowers will be delivered to you instantly. If you are looking for elegant flower arrangements, then the selection size of the flowers is large. Their prices vary from 40 dollars to two hundred dollars and the payment is done by using various methods like PayPal, MasterCard, and Visa. Just connect with them and enjoy the experience.


From this article, readers will get awareness about the top firms in the world, which are delivering flowers worldwide.

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