Hassle-Free Home Winterization Tips

Last Updated: February 13, 2024Categories: General tipsTags: 4.9 min read

Seeing snow all over your property can be very pleasing. Snow can bring that feeling of coziness, especially when you’re viewing it from a warm room inside your house. Pair that up with a hot cup of cocoa and a good book, and nothing can be more relaxing! However, as a homeowner, creating this experience during winter shouldn’t be your only focus; you should also exert time and effort in winterizing your home.  It’s important to prepare your home for the sweater weather because if you won’t, you’ll end up with damaged home fixtures and paying for expensive electricity bills. Contrary to popular belief, home winterization is a need, not a want.
Hassle-Free Home Winterization Tips

If buying winter boots, thick jackets, and beanie hats is your way of preparing for the cold weather, you can do the same to your home through winterization. If you’re clueless on how to winterize your home, make use of the following tips:

Deal with trees around your home

Having trees on your property can provide a long list of benefits. For starters, trees can improve the curb appeal of your property and provide shade – perfect for outdoor activities with friends and family! But once it starts to snow, it’s a different story. Trees, especially those with large branches can harm your cars, decks, gutters, roof, and even your family. Make sure that trees are taken cared of before winter starts by doing the following:

  • Regularly pruning the trees in your property is vital to your lawn care maintenance. Depending on the type of trees on your property, you may need to prune them a few times a month or a year. As preparation for winter, take time to assess the condition of the trees and prune accordingly.
  • If you don’t have the time or skills to personally prune your trees, opt to hire professionals instead. There are many trained and experienced contractors who can prune trees for you for a fee. Hiring them can be a cost-effective solution for your tree pruning needs.

Be proactive in maintaining your home’s plumbing

Everyone in your household uses water every day. Your home winterization project is never complete without checking the state of your home’s plumbing. You should carefully inspect your plumbing to avoid any cycles of freezing and thawing, which can result in broken pipes. Use the following tips to complete this process:

  • There are a lot of ways to waterproof your plumbing. One of them is to turn off the supply of water to your outdoor spigots or sprinkler systems and then completely drain them. However, this option depends on the kind of irrigation system you’re currently using. You may need to hire a contractor to blow out any moisture from your irrigation system.
  • Another technique is covering the outdoor components of your swamp cooler or air conditioner. Doing this can protect your plumbing from the elements outdoors.

Hassle -Free Home Winterization Tips - prepare for winter

Check your roof for any problems and fix these right away

Pay special attention also to your roof. You, your family, and your valuables are kept safe with a functional roof. It can protect everything and everyone from outside elements and harsh weather conditions, like winter, for example. Aside from its functionality, your roof isn’t cheap. It covers your entire home, so it’s safe to assume that you shelled out a lot of money just to have it installed. Make sure that your roof can provide you with the protection you and your family needs during the winter months by following the steps below:

  • Schedule a roof inspection to check if any of your shingles are missing or damaged. Check the gutters for any shingle granules, too. Seeing any of these signs is a clear indication that your roof needs professional repair.
  • Although used by many homeowners, power washing your roof isn’t a smart idea. This can strip off the granules from your shingles, making your roof weak and susceptible to damages. You can pressure wash your home’s exterior to maintain cleanliness but make sure to exempt your roof.

Make sure your chimney is working before winter starts

A fireplace might be a small part of your house, but it does create a huge impact. The cold weather outside will never bother you and your family once your fireplace is all lit up. The area near the fireplace is the perfect place to bond with your family and share stories – only if your chimney is clean. After checking the condition of your roof, proceed by inspecting your chimney. The following tips can be helpful for this process:

  • Grab your flashlight and look for any signs of critters in the nooks and corners of your chimney. These critters will not only hamper you from enjoying your fireplace, but these can also damage the structure of your home over time. As these animals can be aggressive and carry diseases, you may want to seek professional services from pest removal and prevention companies right away.
  • Checking for any debris in your chimney is one thing and sweeping out all of these is another. Doing the cleaning on your own can be very risky. Once you’ve noticed that your chimney has any form of debris, call professionals to get the job done.

Meet Your Responsibilities

Your responsibility as a homeowner doesn’t end the moment your house is built; in fact, your responsibilities never end. You have a lot on your plate to ensure that your house remains functional for the longest time possible – and home winterization is just one of them. Use this article as your guide to get the job done so you and your home will be protected during winter!

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