8 Home Security Tips You and Your Family Should Know More About

Last Updated: February 7, 2024Categories: General tipsTags: , 4 min read

In an ideal world, we wouldn’t have to worry about home security or the safety of our loved ones. Unfortunately, we do have to think about it. The following will explore some of the things you can do to help ensure that you and your family are as safe as possible.

8 Home Security Tips You and Your Family Should Know More About

Before we dive in, it is vital that if you or any member of your household has reason to believe that they are especially unsafe because of threats, targeting, or other reasons, reach out to the authorities immediately.

Get To Know Your Neighbors

It might not seem like getting to know your neighbors can keep your home safe, but you’d be surprised. Most burglaries involve some staking out of the property before the break-in day and a nosy neighbor that says, “Hey. Are you looking for so-and-so? I’ll take a message if you’d like,” could mean the difference between your house getting a second visit from the potential burglar or not. If it’s clear people in town are keeping their eyes and ears open, the average burglar will move onto another site.

Cut Down Tall Shrubs And Tame Trees

When selecting a home to break into, many people look for one that is less visible. Big shrubs and thick foliage can help keep things hidden when someone makes their way through your window. Keep things tidy and trimmed to help make burglary more challenging.

Get A Security Alarm

A security alarm can help protect your home when you’re not there. It works by sending a message to a local security company or local law enforcement if someone breaks into your home while you’re away. If you go the security alarm route, be sure that you understand how the alarm works fully and take a moment to read through the entire manual. Most companies provide paper and digital manuals like Ness user manuals. Knowing where these manuals are located will also help you out in the event that you need to troubleshoot an issue quickly.

Leave Something On

Burglaries are different than home invasions, whereby most of the time, those looking to go through your home and take what they want will prefer your home to be empty when they enter. This means that leaving a television or radio on, making it seem like there’s someone home, can deter people from entering. Leaving lights on is less effective than TV or radio, and a car sitting in the driveway is the number one way to indicate that you’re home.

8 Home Security Tips You and Your Family Should Know More About - house

Consider Self Defense Classes

Self-defense doesn’t have to mean you’ve studied martial art for years. There are a few simple maneuvers that can protect people of all shapes and sizes regardless of the size of their attacker. Courses are generally inexpensive and take around half a day, and can end up saving a life.

Take A First Aid Course

Similar to a self-defense class, a first aid course can mean the difference between life and death. These classes cover all the basic treatment of injuries, burns, wounds, and health struggles like choking and allergic reactions. This is the kind of information we don’t often need to learn, but when the moment comes, we’ll be glad we took the afternoon off to learn it.

Speak To Children About Strangers And Risks

It can be tempting to hide children from the darker parts of life and, in many situations, most people would agree that’s the right choice to make, but when it comes to making safe decisions like not to speak to strangers, open communication is key. It’s a good idea to figure out what you want to say beforehand and make it clear that you’re open to questions, so your child can come to you if they think of odd scenarios that didn’t quite fit into the outline you gave them.

Think About Getting A Dog

A dog is a big commitment; it’s a living creature that needs to be fed, walked, cleaned up after, taken care of, and loved, so, of course, it’s not the right choice for everyone. This being said, a barking dog is an excellent deterrent to burglars and home invaders. This might be something worth talking about with the other adults in your home.

The above tips should help you keep your home and family as safe as possible. Again, if you have any reason to suspect you or someone you love is in danger, you need to reach out to the authorities in addition to working through the above list.

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