Home renovation survival guidelines for stressed homeowners

Last Updated: October 25, 2024Categories: Home remodel5.3 min read

It’s entertaining to plan a home renovation until you start doing it. Saving ideas on Pinterest, reading online magazines, and visiting furniture stores is fun, but when you understand the amount of work the process implies, you start regretting your decision. The idea that the house is a mess for weeks or months is stressing you out. And we should not forget about expenses because renovating a house isn’t cheap. In fact, most of the homeowners would prefer to buy a property that doesn’t need any repair.

Home renovation survival guidelines for stressed homeowners

Although the prospect of a renovation project can seem overwhelming, with the right support you can successfully complete it.

Check building regulation and planning permission

If you want to extend the building or to make any other external changes check the local building regulations to find out what permission you need. Ensure your project gets green light from the local council before buying supplies and materials because if the answer is negative you can wave goodbye to your dream home. When searching for houses, check the ones with planning permission already granted because they ease your work. Don’t purchase a house in need of repairs before researching if it has planning permission. Check what renovation projects people in the area handled and if they benefited from guidance.

Are you planning to make internal modifications that imply breaking down walls? Make sure you get permission for the job because building regulations provide certain standards for the construction and design of houses. Their goal is to ensure your safety and health, so it’s important to follow the instructions. If you have intricate plans for the house, hire a professional to assist you because they have experience in carrying out this kind of work.

Can you handle the stress?

The word renovation is synonym with stress, and only a homeowner who handled this type of project before understands how overwhelming it can be. Even if you want to make only a few cosmetic updates to revive the property’s beauty, you still need to search for materials, tools to compare prices, and work with a budget. If you don’t mind to get your hands dirty, knock down the walls yourself, but this takes time and experience because you have to do it right. If you break down a wall that supports the structure of the house, you damage the overall safety of the building.

Before breaking walls and throwing furniture, decide what’s the main goal of the project and if you can manage the disruption the project implies. Sometimes it’s better to restore one room at the time and refurbish furniture to reduce mess and limit expenses. Making a plan and sticking to it can help you cut down the stress involved.


For homeowners who have a limited budget it’s always a great idea to renovate the house themselves. Home improvement it’s interesting for someone who is inclined towards interior or exterior design because they have plenty of ideas. It’s important to also gain knowledge on how to complete certain jobs without harming the safety of the building. You may not be conscious of the latest trends in home design, so consulting a specialist builder can help you figure out what steps you need to follow. Follow their recommendations and do the work yourself to save money. However, you need to know that a renovating project takes times, so if you don’t afford to spend time away from your office, it’s smarter to hire a professional to do it for you.

Home renovation survival guidelines for stressed homeowners - kitchen

Hire companies that provide home delivery for products

Whatever material or tools you need, they are all available at a click of the mouse. Pick the provider that offers home delivery because they ensure that the products you purchase are delivered in safety conditions. Countertops and cabinets aren’t cheap, so you don’t afford to break them because your car isn’t fitted to transport them. Everything is available on the Internet so check the websites to compare quotes for Lynx Precast flooring, plumbing solutions, and carpentry and choose the ones that guarantee competitive prices and home delivery services. Before hiring a company check their portfolio and past work to make sure their services meet your preferences. Modifying your house doesn’t have to be expensive, but you need to invest time to research and compare quotes and services.

Keep it simple

The Nordic design proves that details don’t have to be fancy, the house to look extraordinary. A simple basic interior can look better than a complex one thanks to the choice of furniture and colour. Be clever when making design choices, and don’t overwhelm the look of the house with unnecessary details. A better design will always impress a visitor or a prospective buyer because it offers the impression of freshness and sophistication. Simple designs are also suitable for small spaces because they don’t make you feel crowded.

Work with your budget and set realistic expectations

Although you saved hundreds of ideas on Pinterest to serve as inspiration for when the renovation time comes, you need to set realistic expectations because not all of them fit your house. And you may not even afford all those upgrades because renovation projects are expensive. Don’t let yourself carried away when planning because the last thing you want is to have no money to complete repairs and to live in a construction site. Detail what you want to do and how much it will cost you. You have a clear picture of how your house should look, but you may have to revamp one room at the time because you need to work with a limited budget.

Be realistic about the money and time you need to invest to finish the property. Then ask yourself if it’s worth to invest so much to hang a chair from the ceiling for example? Don’t let these small details carry you away because they don’t make the comfort of the house. Create a list with mandatory repairs, and another with things you’d like to have in the house to spoil yourself.

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