5 Ways to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

Last Updated: February 3, 2024Categories: General tipsTags: 2.6 min read

We all want to cut down on our electricity bills and our monthly outgoings, and many of us want to help do our bit to make the world a little more greener. If you are one of them, then you have come to the right place, as this piece will discuss how you can help make your home more energy efficient, so both you and the world can reap the benefits!

5 Ways to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

Read on to find out more.

Start A Compost Pile

Compost piles are not very popular in urban areas, as there is a misconception that they have to take up a lot of space. However, while you can definitely get large compost bins and piles, there is nothing stopping you from making a small flat-friendly one, either. There are a few ways you can get into composting, so pick a method that suits your way of life and your available space, and you’ll soon start to see the benefits!

Lower Your Heating Temperature

This can be much harder to achieve once the colder days and nights kick in, but lowering your thermostat and becoming comfortable with a cooler temperature can make all the difference to helping your home to become more energy efficient. Cooler temperatures require less energy, which helps lower your carbon footprint and your energy bills.

Turn Off Running Water

Unnecessary running water can significantly increase both the volume of water that is wasted and your water bills. You might be wondering what constitutes as “unnecessary running water.” Well, bad habits such as leaving the tap on while you are brushing your teeth, or when you are shaving are two very common examples. Putting the washing machine on when you only have one or two pieces of clothing in the drum will also waste a lot of water, so it is best to wait until you have a full drum of clothes ready to be washed. Filling up the bathtub right to the top can also be excessive, but doing this occasionally is completely valid; after all, it is the little treats that make life worthwhile.

5 Ways to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient - efficient home

Invest in Solar Energy

Solar energy is nothing new, but perhaps our new-found enthusiasm for it is because it is now reaching much wider audiences. Solar energy gadgets are now readily available from many outdoor retailers, from battery chargers to torches, and now many people are also thinking bigger for their homes. Solar panels are a classic way to cut down on fossil fuel usage and embrace a more sustainable and consistent source of energy. If you are thinking of making the leap to going solar, then take a look at solar Tucson for panels in your area.

Replace Your Regular Bulbs

It will probably come as no surprise that the brighter the bulb, the more electricity is being used. Many people simply do not need bulbs that are that bright, so swapping to ecofriendly bulbs can not only save energy, but the bulbs also last a lot longer, too!

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