How To Choose The Best Countertop Convection Oven
Over the years, countertop convection ovens are found to be an essential household appliance and are found in almost every kitchen. It is also a pretty expensive purchase, so we must keep in mind of purchasing the oven that contains features which perfectly fulfills all of our needs. The market is currently filled with various models of table top convection ovens from many renowned brands, a lot of research and endless navigation is needed throughout online market sites to find the oven that perfectly matches all your demands and expectations.
To make the entire trial a bit less painful and convenient, here’s a convection oven buying guide we have compiled after reviewing some of the best models as claimed in the market. The reviews have been given on the basis of features, durability, reliability and cleaning convenience of the ovens.
What is a countertop convection oven and why do you need it?
A countertop convection oven is a smaller oven compared to the conventional oven which has a more consistent maintenance of temperature and circulates air flow in order to cook or bake more quickly, evenly and conveniently. Countertop convection ovens come in various sizes and are purchased on the basis of the needs of the users as well as how much counterspace they are willing to give up when purchasing it. Table top convection ovens are a must for cooking roast chicken or bread quickly and the air circulation gives your meals the perfect crisp and cook you might be craving even within time constraints.
Which is Better: Buying a Conventional Oven or a Countertop Convection Oven?
There are certain advantages purchasing in purchasing a countertop convection oven over a conventional oven. Tabletop convection ovens are convenient for fast cooking whereas conventional ovens take more time to pre-heat and cook. Furthermore, the consistent temperature paired with the air circulation of the countertop convection oven provides an even cook whereas conventional ovens run the risk of having hot air pockets or cold spots. Furthermore, since conventional ovens create heat by raising hot air, there’s the risk of undercooking food on the bottom rack while food on the top rack burns up.
A Buyer’s Guide to Buying Convection Oven
- Selecting the Proper Utility: The place of residence of the user and the type of utility he has available for use determines what kind of countertop convection oven should be the best for them. Natural gas is the most inexpensive utility convection ovens can run in. Ovens that run on gas heat up faster than electric convection ovens. However, it is also to be noted that gas-powered ovens normally require 1” or more clearance around all sides for air-flow to be conducted properly in the cooking chamber. If natural gas is not available in the buyer’s area then Liquid Propane is a slightly inexpensive yet effective alternative. If none, of the two utilities are present, then consider purchasing the classic electric tabletop convection oven.
- Choosing the Size that Fits: Countertop convection ovens come in various sizes come in various sizes which includes the overall dimension, deck number and interior space. Depending on how much table space or counter space you are willing to allocate to your oven, purchase a full-size oven which is able to contain normally 5 standard sheet pans or half-size ovens which can contain barely 1 or more half-sized sheet pans. If you’re looking for an oven which can multi-task and cook more than one item at the same time then purchasing a double deck convection oven is the ideal choice. However, if the output is low and convenience in portability is what the buyers seek, then single deck oven meets the mark.
- Safety Precautions: Although countertop convection ovens are convenient and easy-to-use, it is infamous for spreading grease-clad particles into the surrounding air. So, it’s better to purchase an oven that comes with necessary precautions as well as an informative manual to avoid any form of health hazard.
- Presence of Convection Fan: Having a good convection fan is pivotal in a countertop convection oven. The cooking of meals in a convection oven depends heavily upon it. On the basis of airflow, speed, direction of flow and the technological smartness of the convection fan is pivotal in getting the desired meal of your choice cooked to perfection in the oven. Reversed air systems having advanced instruments are also a very reliable upgrade as it substantially increases the accuracy and precision of the airflow.
- Convenience in Cleaning: Countertop convection ovens can be quite the hassle when cleaning if it doesn’t come with certain features. To get the most convenience and value, consider purchasing tabletop convection ovens1. that come with cleaning items like non-stick drip tray, non-stick interior and crumb tray for easy cleaning.
- Energy Consumption: Countertop convection ovens are notorious for consuming a lot of energy compared to other household items. Convection ovens have wattage as high as 1,800 and even has models which consume less wattage like 1,400. These can raise your energy bill somewhat, and if you need help paying your home energy bill, title loans could help you make ends meet. Therefore, it is imperative that emphasis be put on the energy consumption rates of tabletop convection ovens before purchasing them.
- Weight: Countertop Convection Ovens are bought mostly due to how convenient it is to move around due to its compact size and simple connectivity. Therefore, the weight of a model should be taken into consideration before its purchase. Tabletop convection ovens have a weight range of 12lbs-34lbs. Therefore, these ovens should be bought only after the buyer has deemed a certain weight limit within which the oven can be considered as functionable for them.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the difference between a convection oven and a microwave oven?
- A convection oven pairs up a heating system with a fan to cook food. On the other hand, microwave ovens tend to use electromagnetic radiation to cook the food. Convection oven is used to roast, caramelize, grill and brown food whereas microwave ovens are ideal for reheating, defrosting and making half-cooked food as well as boiling water. Microwave oven consumes lesser energy compared to a convection oven.
Are convection ovens safe for health?
- Yes, the cooking process of convection oven are only different from regular ovens in the sense that its fan causes the hot air to move around the oven.
About the author
The Handyman Tips Team is a group of authors that provides tips on the Handyman Tips website. The Handyman Tips team consists of real handymen, contractors, carpenters, woodworkers, and experts in home repairs, appliance repairs, and landscaping. The team is always there for visitors to the Handyman Tips website. If you can’t find the answer to your question on the Handyman Tips website, one of them will reply to you almost immediately if you contact them through the Ask the Handyman page!