Basement Waterproofing: Hire the Services of Professionals

Last Updated: February 5, 2024Categories: General tipsTags: , 3.3 min read

Many people are trying to live life more cheaply these days and it is also true that a lot of people would like to make sure that their basement waterproofing is done properly. Most basements have been discovered to have problems with leaking due to a few reasons. The main reason why this happens is that there is usually no basement waterproofing methods in place.

Basement Waterproofing hire service

The system is normally below grade and this is what allows water to seep through.

The Problem of Leakage

The common problem of leakage is often seen with houses that are on riverboats or ferries. Most of the time, basements on these boats are below grade and have no waterproofing system at all. It is not uncommon for foundations to be damaged from a heavy downpour of rain. Some of the most commonly damaged basements are those on flat flood plains. As mentioned above, most homes on flat land will suffer from leakage as long as there is not any sort of foundation repair involved. The most common way that this occurs is because the water will rise above the surface of the soil. If there is no outlet then it will simply end up in the basement. There are a couple of ways that you can waterproof a basement and make sure that your home and belongings are protected against rising water. Some of these tips for Pittsburgh basement waterproofing will be very beneficial to you.

Repairing of Foundation

A foundation repair is the best option for anyone to have when it comes to waterproofing their home and belongings. If you live in an area where you have a lot of rainfall, then it would be beneficial for you to hire professionals to come in and make repairs on your foundation. One thing that you should know about waterproofing is that the only way that you can effectively stop water from rising to the surface of the soil is to have a water control system installed. Without one, you will never be able to stop water from rising.


Many waterproofing companies in Pittsburgh also offer a lifetime transferrable warranty on all of their products. This is a fantastic type of warranty to invest in because there is nothing that you can do if a pipe breaks and you have to replace it. A professional waterproofing company in Pittsburgh can also make any basement as leakproof as any other room in your house.

Basement Waterproofing hire service - waterproofing

Hire Licensed Professionals

You should also make sure that you hire professionals that are licensed and certified in the area of basement waterproofing in Pittsburgh. You should never trust just anyone with the job because not all of them use the proper materials and methods. They will also make sure that your foundation is strong enough to withstand any type of water. One of the most important things that you can do when you want to make sure that your basement is safe is to make sure that the foundation is braced properly. A good waterproofing contractor in Pittsburgh will install foundation footers and make sure that your walls and basement floors are braced properly.

Full Inspection of Basement

When you hire professionals, be sure that you ask them for a full inspection before they begin waterproofing your basement apartment. If you were to look at the basement while it is filled with water, you would probably find a lot of structural damage. This is why you need to get professionals to check out the foundation, the basement walls and floors before they begin working. Some of the contractors in Pittsburgh also have basement waterproofing experts that will come and give an estimate on what it will cost to completely fix the problem. The estimates that they give you will usually include materials, labor costs and a guarantee that you won’t ever need to call them again.

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  1. Dave Harmon March 31, 2022 at 2:51 pm

    I own a foundation repair company in Macon Ga and we have very similar issues to this article. I would like to reference this in the future to educate my clients. One problem we have here is humidity causes basement problems. In the hot summer months, the soil’s moisture drys out and causes erosion that shifts foundations. This causes cracks in the basement walls and starts leaks when it rains.