Common Basement Repair Problems And Their Solutions
Have you ever wondered why our movies stereotype basements as a foul-smelling damp place that is filled with rats and spider webs, and nobody else but ghosts only can survive there? That is because this is exactly how the basement will turn out to be if you don’t take care of it properly. Basements face this issue because of the fact that they are completely or partially below grade level and are exposed to moisture and water throughout. Be sure that your basement is waterproof and then you can start with basement finishing.
This moisture and water lead to multiple issues like:
Cracks in the basement walls or basement leaks
Cracks and leakage can lead to structural damages as cracks allow water to drip into the basement. To avoid this issue, you need to make sure that you repair all the cracks before they get bigger, or you might have to remodel your basement. If these cracks appear often, then take the help of professionals and get the issue rectified.
Weak foundation
The basement of a house is the key to the house’s structural integrity as they form the foundation of the house. Hence, the basement must be protected from all kinds of leakage, mould, water retention or anything else that can lead to the basement’s wall shafting or settling.
A moldy and humid basement
Moisture leads to corrosion, mould, and any other form of rot because moisture can cause condensation in the air. Therefore, you need to make sure that all the gutters in the house’s exterior are clean and are of the right size to carry the water properly, with no leakage.
Wet passageway and basement
A wet passageway or basement can only lead to an increase in moisture concentration, an increase in fetid smell, and an increase in the possibility of having cracks in the basement walls or leakage, which is further led to the weak structural foundation of the house, making the wall susceptible to cozening.
Foul-smelling basements
This is one of the most common and biggest issues with the basement, which occurs when water accumulation happens somewhere in the basement. To avoid this, keep looking for the signs on the surface itself, like checking if the drywall or the wood shows any sign of dampness or moisture.
Solution – Waterproofing
Basement waterproofing is a technique of preventing water from penetrating the building’s basement. This technique uses materials and methods which require installation of drains and pumps and usage of sealant materials, which will provide a protective shield to the basement against all water-related issues. Hire basement waterproofing professionals to ensure that it is done with utmost precision and care. Several methods under this technique are used according to the issue faced by the basement.
Some of these methods are:
- Box-type waterproofing
- Exterior waterproofing coatings
- Interior water drainage
- Foundation crack injection
- Interior wall and floor sealers
- Exterior drainage
Water is the root cause of all the basement related issues, and basement waterproofing provides a solution to every water-related issue. Water in the soil causes pressure underneath the basement floor and wall, which causes all the structural damages like mould, moisture-related problems, and decays, and waterproofing has solutions to all these problems.
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The Handyman Tips Team is a group of authors that provides tips on the Handyman Tips website. The Handyman Tips team consists of real handymen, contractors, carpenters, woodworkers, and experts in home repairs, appliance repairs, and landscaping. The team is always there for visitors to the Handyman Tips website. If you can’t find the answer to your question on the Handyman Tips website, one of them will reply to you almost immediately if you contact them through the Ask the Handyman page!