Creating a Backyard Oasis for Your Dog This Summer

Last Updated: February 7, 2024Categories: General tipsTags: , , 3.7 min read

As any proud pooch owner knows, canines crave outdoor recreation. While indoor play holds a certain appeal, most dogs absolutely live for running around outside. With summertime fast approaching, you and your favorite canine are liable to have ample opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors. However, if you want your dog to be able to frolic in the fresh air without the burden of constant supervision, you should set to work creating a canine oasis in your backyard.

Creating a Backyard Oasis for Your Dog This Summer

As you’ll find, a little bit of effort and ingenuity are all it takes to create the ideal play-space for your best friend.

Put up Secure Fencing

If you want to let your pooch run around unsupervised, it’s imperative that your backyard be securely fenced off. No matter how happy you dog is with its longtime home, most canines won’t hesitate to bolt the second an opportunity presents itself. In addition to causing you a fair amount of stress, a runaway pooch is liable to create a litany of problems for your neighbors. Furthermore, local wildlife and other uninvited guests are likely to take advantage of an unsecured yard. To nip all of these issues in the bud, place resilient fencing around your backyard. If you have little to no experience when it comes to fencing, it may be a good idea to outsource this task to a seasoned pro. Since dogs are natural diggers, some pooches escape their yards by tunneling under fences. However, you can hinder such escape efforts by burying chicken wire at the base of the fence, placing large, partially-buried rocks along the bottom of the fence line and removing any potential climbing aids.

Set up a Doggy Splash Pool

Just like humans, dogs need a refreshing place to cool off during the balmy summer months. Since allowing dogs in traditional swimming pools is too risky (especially if they’re unsupervised), consider setting up a doggy splash pool in your backyard this summer. As the name suggests, these canine-sized pools are designed for dogs who are fond of getting wet. When shopping around for the right pool, look for one that’s made of resilient material and is appropriately-sized for your pooch. If you lack the financial resources for one of these pools, a traditional kiddy pool may suffice. Just make sure to avoid filling it to a height at which your dog could conceivably drown.

Creating a Backyard Oasis for Your Dog This Summer - dog with ball

Provide Access to Shade

Although many dogs appear to be insatiable bundles of energy, every pooch needs to take the occasional breather. Like us, dogs can succumb to exhaustion, fatigue and heatstroke if they spend too much time in the hot summer sun. To ensure that your pupper has a safe spot to rest up, provide it with ample access to shaded areas. For example, planting a tree with long leaves and/or investing in a sun-resistant doghouse can prove helpful in this endeavor. Furthermore, if your backyard patio lacks a roof, installing a retractable awning can be a great way to provide both you and your favorite canine with a consistent source of shade.

Install Outdoor Ceiling Fans

Although many of us regard ceiling fans as indoor cooling aids, they can also prove incredibly useful outdoors. So, if your home features an enclosed porch and/or patio, you should look into purchasing outdoor ceiling fans. In addition to helping cool off your pooch after a lengthy outdoor play session, dependable outdoor fans can ensure that you and your family have a safe place to congregate in hot weather. To get the most out of your new fans, you’ll need to set their blades to spin counterclockwise. This will blow aid downward and create a cooling breeze instead of simply blowing hot air around.  You’d be hard-pressed to find a dog that doesn’t relish spending time outdoors. Whether they’re actively playing, aimlessly running around or settling down for a nap, man’s best friend loves being outside, especially during periods of nice weather. As such, it’s only natural for dogs to enjoy summertime every bit as much as humans. Dog owners looking to ensure that their pooches are able to make the most of the summer season can benefit from the pointers discussed above.

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