Virus & Bacteria Water Filter Review 2020: The Ultimate Guide
Once we consume harmful microorganisms through drinking water, they can multiply within our bodies and cause harmful medical ailments. Especially for those who have a low immune system, drinking contaminated H2O can be even fatal. Untreated water can contain harmful bacteria and viruses that cause illness.
It is therefore important that we are informed about the dangers of consuming dirty water as well as understand the importance of investing in an alternative filtration system for our homes to keep our families safe.
Microorganisms are invisible to the eye, unfortunately both bacteria and viruses are micro organisms found in a variety of foods and beverages. They can cause a variety of diseases. When tap water isn’t treated correctly these organisms can live on causing harm to families. Here is a list of all the waterborne microorganisms that can be found in the tap:
Enterovirus: A microscopic virus that lives in an animal or person’s digestive system, especially the intestine. They are known as echoviruses, coxsackieviruses, and polioviruses. Once they are consumed, they can cause severe gastroenteritis and meningitis. This virus is usually found in countries where the sewage system isn’t well maintained, regulated, or updated. It’s important that sewage systems, public bathrooms, and toilet plumbing systems are well maintained to prevent the virus from getting into the public watering system.
Legionella: Thrives in warm and moist environments, once released into the air by means of an air conditioner or a shower can be inhaled. When it gets into the respiratory system, it can cause pneumonia.
When there are problems in the treatment process or during the distribution through pipes in towns and cities, there will be a variety of indicators. These can be detected by a simple home testing kit:
Coliforms: A toxic bacteria that are present in the environment. When a big number of coliforms is present in an environment, it can be an indication that more is present in other areas of the home, especially the plumbing system.
Coli: An extremely harmful bacteria that is found in distribution systems that are contaminated with animal or human feces and waste. Once digested it can cause headaches, cramps, digestive system problems, nausea, and severe diarrhea. Other fecal indicators are the microbes coliphage or enterococci. These indicators can either be detected through visual detection, as the water might display a brownish color or through a simple home testing kit.
Turbidity: When water appears cloudy or off-white in color it is referred to as turbidity. This is an indicator that either virus or bacteria is present. When consumed it can cause common side effects like cramps, diarrhea, headaches, vomiting, and dizziness. Many swimming pools experience this effect after heavy rainfall, and is therefore not safe to take a dip in. Chlorine can be added to clear this problem.
Depending on the kind of virus or bacteria that is present, you’ll need the relevant treatment technique. The correct kind of treatment will return the H2O to the desired pH balance as well as disinfecting it from all harmful microorganisms.
Here is a list of the different kinds of treatment options you can consider:
Ozone: Specifically designed to treat and reduce the presence of chlorine. An ozone treatment effectively reduce discoloration within water systems, as well as remove strange tastes. Furthermore, it controls foul odors.
UV Technology: A common and increasingly popular water treatment technique. An Ultra Violet system uses a light source that shines UV when connected to mercury. The rays perforate and pierce harmful particles within the subject, killing bacteria and viruses that can’t be seen with the human eye. It attacks the microorganism’s DNA, thus remains one of the most effective treatment techniques. Check out this link: for more information on disinfection filtration systems that uses UV technology.
Chlorine: A potent treatment that treats clarified turbidity water that has a milky or off-white color display. Chlorine is also used in swimming pools, when left over night the pool’s H2O will appear clear and fresh.
Chloramine: Not as strong as chlorine, as it is a combination of chlorine and ammonia. It is used specifically to reduce Legionella found in watering systems.
Even if you haven’t detected bacteria or viruses in your tap water, it’s still advised that you take additional measures to enforce further purification. Investing in a high-quality filtration system will prevent harmful microorganisms to pass through the tap and into your family’s digestive systems.
It’s better to take precaution against future contaminations, than not attending to the problem and falling ill in the future. Consult with an experienced installation company, to get recommendations of suitable filtration units. Make sure you stay aware of the water quality in your home, to ensure a healthy lifestyle.
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The Handyman Tips Team is a group of authors that provides tips on the Handyman Tips website. The Handyman Tips team consists of real handymen, contractors, carpenters, woodworkers, and experts in home repairs, appliance repairs, and landscaping. The team is always there for visitors to the Handyman Tips website. If you can’t find the answer to your question on the Handyman Tips website, one of them will reply to you almost immediately if you contact them through the Ask the Handyman page!