How To Take Care Of Your Lawn – 4 Basic Tips

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Looking for ways to boost your lawn? Here are 4 basic tips that will improve the quality of your lawn!

How To Take Care Of Your Lawn

Water Wisely

A lush and healthy grass requires proper irrigation. Dehydrated grass can become yellow, become vulnerable to trampling, and even die as a result. On the other hand, too much water drives air out of the soil, depriving the grass of oxygen and exposing it to the risk of decay. The key to having a nice lawn is to water it as much as it requires – all of the time. Watering often but not excessively will yield the greatest results. Watering is almost unnecessary in some climates, however, in hotter and drier climates, the grass should be watered frequently to avoid drying out. Here are a few indicators. Speaking of the time you should water, know that early in the morning is the best time to water most lawns. This is because the sun did not have time to warm the lawn, the grass will have to dry all day, and the water will not evaporate. Also, if it doesn’t rain, irrigate the grass twice a week. This is important because if the grass does not get enough water, roots are driven to develop on the surface, where water is available, and the grass becomes even more vulnerable to drought.

Fertilize Your Lawn

Your grass needs some maintenance after a dry time, whether it is winter or summer, in order to continue to be the primary star of your yard. To do so, you should fertilize your lawn, ideally between March and April. Fertilization is also one of the most crucial lawn management methods that must not be overlooked. Regular mowing, in particular, makes it harder for plants to absorb nutrients through photosynthesis, therefore we must compensate with fertilizer. There are different kinds of fertilizers, especially the fertilizer for St Augustine grass which is among the favorites due to its ease of maintenance. For example, nitrogen (N) impacts lawn regeneration, boosts grasses’ tolerance to cold and drought, and promotes leaf and root development, budding, and the emergence of a lovely green hue. Phosphorus (P), on the other hand, influences root formation and is essential for grass’s early growth. Yet potassium (K) influences budding, root development, and grass density, as well as increasing disease resistance. Mineral fertilizers are applied to the lawn by hand or machine, taking care not to apply a larger concentration than supposed, since this can kill the grass in certain areas. Naturally, organic fertilizers, manure, compost, and other organic fertilizers can also be used to fertilize a lawn.

How To Take Care Of Your Lawn - grass

Know when and how to mow

According to the experts from Sydney Lawn Mowing, low grass mowing frequently results in a thicker and more attractive lawn, whereas less frequent and higher mowing results in a rarer and less attractive lawn. In that sense, always keep in mind that the grass leaves, for example, serve as a factory, producing the required nourishment for the growth of roots, and new leaves, and by mowing a greater area of grass, you are removing the major source of nourishment, causing the lawn to get sick for a long time, regenerate badly, and expand. As a result, you must be careful not to remove more than a third of the green mass after each mowing, in order to maintain the harmonic link between food production and rapid regeneration of cut grass. Therefore, depending on the nature and function of the lawn, the grass can grow to a height of four to seven centimeters and is mowed to three to five centimeters. In May and June, however, when growth and budding are at their peak, the grass should be mowed often and low, every five to six days, at a height of three to five cm, to increase budding or grass cover density. In the months leading up to winter, in October and November, the grass should be clipped more frequently to better prepare the plants for the winter!

Control pests and weeds

The most prevalent pests on lawns are insects. They feed on grassroots and leaves and reside in or on the soil. The plants become yellow and dry out because these insects feed on the grass. One of the markers of a larger presence of them is the arrival of a large number of birds on the lawn, who feed on them. Among the insect pests, the larvae of long-legged mosquitoes are the most numerous. On the other hand, snails can also be seen on lawns. They eat grass leaves and inflict harm as a result. They can be mechanically removed by collecting or treated with homicidal treatments in the form of granules if the land’s surface is smaller. Fallen leaves, which are the principal source of food for lawn pests, should be removed to minimize problems. The removal of cut grass regularly, as well as the injection of sand and urea, which reduces the pH value of the soil, are some significant measures in pest control strategies. Certainly, these tips will contribute to the better quality of your lawn and at the same time, your yard’s curb appeal!

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