Solar Panel Cleaning, Adelaide: All You Need To Know About Solar Panel Cleaning
The traditional way of producing electricity is slowly dying down, thanks to solar panel innovations. Coal power, which is the primary source of many electrical energy providers worldwide, has been seen as a top contributor to environmental hazards. It’s been accounted for many health risks, such as lung cancer, asthma, heart problems, and even brain damage. According to this recent report, 21% or rooftops have panels installed this 2020. As of this August, there are already 2.53 million rooftop solar power systems installed all around Australia.
As the demand for these panels continues to rise, so do prices, materials, and labour for it go down in value. In turn, these panels will become a revolutionary step towards a more eco-friendly and independent way of using renewable solar energy. Until today, scientists and inventors are still working on a more efficient and cheaper way to create these panels. Hopefully, it is going to ultimately replace power stations and their harmful effect on the environment.
What Is A Solar Panel?
Solar panels are made up of grouped PV cells, and they create a module. A panel has three or more modules combined, depending on its size and use. These panels are responsible for taking in sunlight during the day and converting it into electrical power. Solar panels are made of silicon, one of the most abundant naturally occurring elements on earth. This material can be found on sandy beaches. If you take a look at the black specks mixed in the sand, you’re looking at unprocessed silicone. As a manufactured material, silicon helps convert sunlight into electricity used in a home or a farm. But silicon isn’t the only material making up a solar panel.
The frame is made from aluminium that keeps all the other sheets in place and prevents outdoor elements from leaking to the panel’s sides. The glass acts as both protecting the cells and other sheets underneath it while maintaining optimal sunlight absorption. The cells themselves and a back sheet prevent dirt, water, and other hazards from entering from the back. Because the glass needs to be clean at all times, it’s common sense to have it checked by a professional Adelaide Outdoor solar panel cleaning company for any dirt. It’s important always to make sure sunlight reaches the cells beneath the glass. The energy is given off by the sun is the most convenient renewable source found around the world. The others, namely wind, biomass, hydro, etc. are also helpful but not as accessible as Solar Thermal Energy. This energy being renewable is incredibly beneficial in its quest to replace coal energy.
Potential Blocks For Solar Panels
These hazards can be both environmental and human-made. One most common block is bird droppings. These are considered the number 1 enemy of solar panels, wherever you may be worldwide. They can potentially cover your panels and lower the efficiency of sunlight absorption. Rooftop panels installed in houses with surrounding trees can also be expected to have bird droppings once or twice a week.
Another one is leaves and dust. Though leaves are difficult to control except for consistent checkups, dust can be prevented simply by making sure they don’t build up grime over time. Many studies have been conducted, and dust poses little to no change inefficiency. However, a study linked here: has stated that dust from desert areas has reduced solar panel efficiency up to 40%. Dust affects your solar energy absorption if not cleaned often enough, although it depends on the environment where you live.
Choosing a Solar Panel Cleaning Company
So you’ve decided to go about cleaning your panels, but have no idea which company to choose? We’ve provided a list to check off whenever you’re on the hunt for the perfect solar panel cleaning company.
- A company that is careful of warranties
Every reputable company, regardless of what business they do, always provides its customers with a warranty. Thus, a solar panel cleaning company that is as reputable as the one you purchased your solar panels from should ideally be aware of how they clean your installed system. You wouldn’t want your warranty invalidated because of an ignorant worker pouring detergent or other corrosive chemicals while they clean.
- They use pure water in cleaning
As detergent or even soap is a no-no, it is natural to use pure water in cleaning instead. By pure water, we don’t mean tap water or, heaven forbid, mineral water. Both of these choices have minerals in them that will leave white, chalky marks on your panels. It won’t only obstruct sunlight from entering, but also invalidate your warranty. Cleaning the panels will take many repeated washing, and using ultra-pure water makes sure no deposits are left behind despite the continuous exposure to it. It is already one solid reason why DIY cleaning of solar panels is discouraged.
- Safe practices
Professional and legitimate companies would likely use proper PPE when cleaning your solar panels. Because of the risks they place themselves in a while cleaning, one significant risk is electrocution. Again, it is another reason, and perhaps the most important one is why cleaning your solar panels on your own is an unnecessary risk. Professionals who have enough knowledge of the parts and which parts to avoid touching are a better choice than aimlessly washing the panels.
- Properly certified and licensed
No matter what the services, it is pertinent to ask and check for proper certification and license. It also won’t hurt to check their site and assess how legitimate they are. Never accept a self-proclaimed professional cleaner or company that cannot provide any legal certificates. It is for both your sake and theirs. If they break your installed panel for some reason, they won’t be able to provide proper compensation, and you’ll be on the losing side of the deal. What’s more, if they encounter an accident while working, you will be liable for their situation. Any of these situations won’t be worth the cheaper fee they’ll offer you.
About the author
The Handyman Tips Team is a group of authors that provides tips on the Handyman Tips website. The Handyman Tips team consists of real handymen, contractors, carpenters, woodworkers, and experts in home repairs, appliance repairs, and landscaping. The team is always there for visitors to the Handyman Tips website. If you can’t find the answer to your question on the Handyman Tips website, one of them will reply to you almost immediately if you contact them through the Ask the Handyman page!