Reliable Locksmith Companies – Are Locksmith Worth of Locksmith Fees
When it comes to an emergency lock repair situation, you don’t have any other choice but to hire a locksmith. Often when you ask around about a locksmith people will use adjectives like ‘overpriced’ or ‘rip off’. Some believe that using an emergency locksmith service is like throwing away your hard earned money. But are the professional locksmith services that costly? When asked a professional locksmith, they don’t think that the service is that costly, but they will also admit to the fact that the service is open to rip off artists.
Genuine locksmith companies will charge you the authentic fees, they will even give you a detailed estimate of their service, while there are many fraudulent companies out there that can rip you off your hard earned money. Before you choose a locksmith service, you need to check thoroughly about the authenticity of the company. Also, you can ask for referrals. It is an excellent way to search for reliable locksmith companies. Nonetheless, here we will discuss in detail about the costs incurred in hiring a professional locksmith service so that you can decide for yourself is it worth your money.
Changing locks
A change of lock mostly costs around $30 to $300, depending on the type of lock. In case you are locked out of your home, you will be charged around $35 to $150. The cost may go up on weekends costing you up to $250. For key copying they usually charge $1 to $4, which may go up to $20 if its a particular type of key. Rekeying a door is charged around $40 to $100 and additional charges of $5 to $25 will be charged for every lock cylinder. For a complete change of locks, the cost is around $40 to $100, and labor charges of $30 may be incurred additionally.
Locked out of cars
Locking out of your vehicle is a situation most people have faced at least once in their lives. For older car models, there isn’t a way to unlock the door underneath a car. In such cases, you need to call in a locksmith. Auto locksmiths are skilled in opening car doors without causing any damage to the car, and the work will even be done in a few minutes. To unlock a car door, reliable locksmith companies will charge you between $30 to $ 50 and a full door replacement may go up to $130.
High tech keys
If you happen to lose your keys, often a high tech lock system might be great for you. These locks use a passcode or a Bluetooth system or biometrics to unlock. Incorporating this type of system will cost you around $100 to $500 depending on the kind of system you want to install.
Emergency services
Emergency lock repair services, like repairing the lock after lock bumping, may cost you around $50 to $600. This may sound a tad too expensive, but a lot of factors come into play here. If you live in a metropolitan area, the charges will be more considering the high demand for the services. The time, the area you are in and the extent of the problem also accounts for a locksmith fee.
Additional charges
When hiring a locksmith, it is essential that you ask for all the expenses in advance. Ask them if there are any other charges that you might have to pay. Certain additional fees may be charged from you for providing services at certain times of the day and night.
Final words
Hiring a professional locksmith can be a little on the pricier side, but you will be assured to get quality. Albeit, you should fall for the scam services. Hopefully, this article has helped solve your query regarding the fees of locksmith services and assist you in making your decision in the search for reliable locksmith companies.
About the author
The Handyman Tips Team is a group of authors that provides tips on the Handyman Tips website. The Handyman Tips team consists of real handymen, contractors, carpenters, woodworkers, and experts in home repairs, appliance repairs, and landscaping. The team is always there for visitors to the Handyman Tips website. If you can’t find the answer to your question on the Handyman Tips website, one of them will reply to you almost immediately if you contact them through the Ask the Handyman page!