DIY or Using Professional Services When it Comes to Bed Bugs?
After the last 18 months of the pandemic crisis hitting nearly if not every country in the world, many people would think that bed bugs would no longer be a problem. After the closure of most hotels and holiday destinations being out of bounds to travelers and tourists, have the dreaded bed bugs become a thing of the past?
Although many places have been closed for business in the travel industry, the truth is bed bugs can survive in many circumstances. If these dreaded bugs managed to escape the comfort of their hotel beds before the lockdown of most businesses happened then yes they have most definitely survived the pandemic. Simply to take up residence in your lovely home.
How to Recognize a Bed Bug
A bed bug is a wingless creature about the size of an apple seed, being flat in appearance and oval it does look different from the average bug. Bed bugs love to find a comfortable place to set up home so although you might not be able to see these dreaded bugs, at first sight, a sure sign is the bite marks they will leave behind on your skin. A bed bug needs a host to survive, feeding on the blood they take while biting will leave you after a bite will normally be noticeable and itchy. Depending on how large the bug is and if it has developed into an adult can result in larger bite marks. Bed Bugs will also leave small deposits of feces on mattresses, sheets, and pillows. It is always best to find and ask bed bug control services to seek advice if you are unsure.
What should be the First Course of Action?
Presuming that you are aware and know that bed bugs have taken a liking to your home, the best course of action would be to call in a professional bed bug removal company. The fact is unless you have caught these pests in a very early infestation, they will all already be breeding at an alarming rate. In being able to save yourself and your family an ongoing battle, it is best to deal with this in one go. Finding a company to help with your problem is not as difficult as you think. Finding a well reputable company with a great many years of experience in dealing with and removing bed bugs will ensure a better chance of getting them all. Prices are more affordable than you think and many places will offer prices for the sizes of rooms, and houses, so don’t feel defeated before you have begun. If need be, measure the rooms like you were fitting a new carpet, and take photos if you can, to show the company what they could be dealing with if you book them.
Why is it Better to use Professional Services?
When it comes to being a great host, your unwelcome guest is not fussy about who it chooses to live with, this means that every person who occupies the home is at risk, including pets and children. As long as it has a warm, dark place to hide or sleep and a fresh supply of blood to fatten itself up from, it is game for anyone. Hiding between mattress folds in crevices and between sheets your guest will be happy to feast away once the lights go out. By using a professional service you have more guarantee of these unwanted pests being destroyed. They will use the strongest but safest possible treatments ensuring every corner of the room is treated. This can save you not only time in trying to find solutions, but also an incredible amount of money because once the problem reaches a certain point, it will mean destroying your possessions permanently.
What Happens without Treatment?
Without any treatment other than washing sheets and taking care of mattresses, these critters will just keep multiplying. It is not enough to simply wash your sheets. They are very good at hiding and burrowing into little gaps, as they are so small, you may think a simple dusting of your bed will be enough to eradicate them. This however will lead to further distress. Having people visiting your home can lead to bed bugs being spread, if you are residing in an apartment block or flats, animals such as cats and dogs will carry them to the next residence. Being responsible for a large outbreak will not only make you feel unhappy about not seeking help sooner but can lead to your problem getting fundamentally worse.
Just because you may not have stayed in a hotel or guest home recently does not mean your home is resistant. Having learned to attach themselves to toweling, clothes, and bags, bed bugs can and will set up home where possible. So instead of risking your family friends and neighbors’ health be sure to seek professional help upon first traces. Remember that your neighbors and friends will be very supportive knowing you are dealing with the issue, instead of leading to unwanted breakouts elsewhere. Seek advice at the earliest possible chance, and gain the best help available.
About the author
The Handyman Tips Team is a group of authors that provides tips on the Handyman Tips website. The Handyman Tips team consists of real handymen, contractors, carpenters, woodworkers, and experts in home repairs, appliance repairs, and landscaping. The team is always there for visitors to the Handyman Tips website. If you can’t find the answer to your question on the Handyman Tips website, one of them will reply to you almost immediately if you contact them through the Ask the Handyman page!