4 Handy Tips on How to Prepare Your Home for a Major Remodeling Job
Are you about to undertake a major home remodeling job? The end result will be exciting and rewarding. Getting there is another thing altogether. Even if you have a great experience and complete the project successfully, remodeling jobs present their own unique challenges for yourself, your family and your home.
Knowing the challenges that await is the best way to get ready for a remodeling job. Keep reading to discover four important ways you can prepare yourself and your home for the job at hand.
Living Arrangements
When your remodeling project begins, your house will become dirty, messy and loud. You may want to consider other living arrangements, such as staying with a close relative or friend, or lodging at an extended day hotel.
You might be tempted to take a vacation to coincide with the renovation period. We recommend you postpone the vacation, however. It’s important to be present to see the progress first-hand and make important decisions as they arise. If you have the room and don’t mind the mess, you may want to stay in your home. Living in tight quarters can be stressful on everyone so try and keep your living space clean to ease any tension.
The Logistics of Eating
Chances are, if you’re undergoing a major home remodel, you will be upgrading your kitchen. You’re going to need to create a temporary kitchen and a good place to eat. For example, you might prepare meals in the garage and eat on a patio table.
Without a useable oven and pots and pans, making meals can be a challenge. And if you have a family to feed, the problem is even greater. Making a detailed meal plan beforehand can give you time to buy food and stock your temporary kitchen. You may be noticing a trend here. The more prepared you can be, the less likely you will feel unnerved during the remodel.
Prepare Your Home
Here are a few tasks you can do to get your home ready for your contractors to come in and do their job. First, clear the rooms of all large items such as sofas, rugs, and hutches. Seal each item with plastic wrapping. It’s also a good idea to move delicate and valuable items such as china, ceramics, photos, and electronics to a safe place.
During a remodel, the dust has a way of penetrating adjacent rooms in a home. To that end, close off the work zone with zip doorways. It’s an extra expense, but it’s worth it to limit dust in other areas of your house. And the doorways allow for easy access for workers t enter and leave the renovation area.
Make sure your contractor has a plan for hauling away debris from the project. Ideally, they are working with a trash and materials removal company like this provider who services construction and remodeling jobs.
Talk to Neighbors
If you live in a single-family home, you are not legally required to inform your neighbors about your remodeling project or to get their approval. However, the law makes an exception when it comes to your property line. So if you’re project involves your a new fence or a structure near the property line, talk to your neighbors.
Even if the law doesn’t require it, talking to your neighbors to alert them of the impending noise and distractions is a thoughtful gesture they will appreciate. So when the sound of a bandsaw wakes them up in the morning, at least it won’t be a surprise.
Final Thoughts on a Successful Remodeling Job
Ultimately, preparing for your remodeling job comes down to planning. It’s a lot easier to keep your sanity during a remodel when you have a plan for the noise and mess that come with the job. Knowing where you and your family will eat and sleep alleviates a lot of frustration. So does having a plan for keeping your belongings safe and clean.
Keep a positive attitude, knowing that your remodel will be completed soon enough and your planning will have been worth the trouble. If you found this article helpful, please check our site often as we post valuable content daily.
About the author
The Handyman Tips Team is a group of authors that provides tips on the Handyman Tips website. The Handyman Tips team consists of real handymen, contractors, carpenters, woodworkers, and experts in home repairs, appliance repairs, and landscaping. The team is always there for visitors to the Handyman Tips website. If you can’t find the answer to your question on the Handyman Tips website, one of them will reply to you almost immediately if you contact them through the Ask the Handyman page!