There are few things in nature as destructive as a hurricane. Hurricanes are about three things; winds that could reach speeds of up to 250 km/h, tides as high as 25-30 feet, and many tornadoes. Finding yourself on the wrong side of the weather doesn’t just mean you’re in for a rush of cold air and maybe some heavy rain. The effects of a hurricane can be so monumental that it takes years, even decades, to recover. Hundreds of people may be injured or die if they aren’t prepared in advance.
The warning sirens, the weather forecast, and the authorities may warn us about the impending doom. It’s essential to take these warnings seriously as these storms can move quickly and cause severe property damage. With that said, you’d want to make sure you do everything you possibly can to prepare yourself in case there’s a storm warning. Please don’t take this lightly, as most people did with Hurricane Katrina, and it claimed the lives of more than 1800 people. Here are five tips to prepare yourself for the upcoming hurricane season.
Get to higher ground
The issue with the water isn’t just the storm surge; it’s the force at which it floods roads. Since we live in modern industrial society, water forces itself against buildings accompanied by high-speed winds causing severe damage to infrastructure. Hundreds of people can fall victim to a single down-powered line in the area. Commercial damage is more substantial than residential buildings, which is why you should check out these commercial water damage tips to mitigate the after-effects of a hurricane. More people are injured during storms if they are in the path of a hurricane’s trajectory. If you can, get to the higher ground wherever you are and stay there till it’s safe or you’re rescued.
Keep emergency supplies on hand
You don’t know how long a storm will last, and for how long shops and other such places will remain closed, or when you’d receive medical attention. A great way to prepare for the struggles ahead is to save and store emergency supplies in advance so that you and your family aren’t caught off guard. You need to have ample amounts of canned food, drinking water, clothes, and medical supplies on standby. It’s always a good idea to keep and charge portable chargers as well so you can maintain contact with the world. If you have infants with you, try and stock up on diapers. The elderly will need their medication as well, so make sure you have enough to last you at least a couple of weeks.
Head inland in advance
If the weather stations issue warnings and you can see the signs as the weather changes, It would be even better if you’d load up your car with essentials and head inland as soon as possible to avoid the storm’s landfall. You cannot waste time when it comes to a storm. Since you’ve been warned, pay attention and take necessary precautions.
Please do not abandon your pets
While evacuating, do not abandon your pets. Stock up on pet food and whatever you need to keep them safe. We know that this is a hard time for you and your family and just about everyone else around you. But there is absolutely no reason you should consider leaving your pet behind. Please put them in the car and take them along. If, for some reason, you can’t take your pet(s) along with you, consider giving them over to the shelter for a while and bringing them back when you sort things out.
Help others if you can
If you see friends, family, or neighbors requiring assistance, lend a helping hand. We’re all in this together. People need to be helpful to each other in the face of adversity. The storm will come and go, but your actions could save lives. Help someone load up their car; if you have supplies to spare, share them and take people along with you if you have space.
If there’s anything you should be taking away from this article, you shouldn’t wait long when the warning signs are unmistakable. Many people think that they can wait out the storm and refuse to leave their homes, and that is where the problems start. Take your local weather warnings seriously, plan and make sure you have enough supplies with you to last for at least two weeks. We hope that this article on hurricane preparation finds you in time. We have kept it short and concise so that you can read it if you’re in a hurry. Implement the tips above, and you should be safe enough to make it through the storm. Stay safe.
About the author
The Handyman Tips Team is a group of authors that provides tips on the Handyman Tips website. The Handyman Tips team consists of real handymen, contractors, carpenters, woodworkers, and experts in home repairs, appliance repairs, and landscaping. The team is always there for visitors to the Handyman Tips website. If you can’t find the answer to your question on the Handyman Tips website, one of them will reply to you almost immediately if you contact them through the Ask the Handyman page!