How to Pick a Facial Bed
Choosing a facial bed to purchase for your business is not always an easy decision. There are a lot of factors involved and things that you have to take into account before making the final decision. As with any purchase, you should ask yourself first what the bed is going to be used for. You need to have a clear idea on how the facial bed is going to be used in your wellness center. Then, you have to be sure who the facial bed will be used for. What is your customer base for your wellness center like? Are there a lot of younger or older people. Are the customers of your wellness center more likely to be men or women? And you also cannot discount the visual value that it gives your business. After all, wellness centers are also beauty centers and people wanting to feel beautiful and refreshed would mind if the surrounding do not match their vision for themselves.
In this article we will break down some of the factors you ought to consider before buying your facial bed. If you are still on the fence about a facial bed purchase, maybe this can assist you in making your mind.
What is the Facial Bed for
For whatever reason, how you are intending to use the facial bed should be the prime consideration in choosing one. Look at all the different kinds of ways that you may be using it in your wellness center. You may have to write a list for this one as facial bed needs can vary depending on the spa center that you run. Choose a facial bed that will be able to cater to all of the situations that may come up. Do not forget that facial beds are not built for storage. This means that it may not be feasible to swap facial beds multiple times while the spa center is operating. This gives facial beds that are versatile an edge in this regard. If you are just starting your business and do not have the faintest clue on the kinds of customers you will be having or the facial bed needs that might come up, the safe bet is to choose flexible facial beds to make sure that you will not miss a beat.
When choosing a supplier for a facial bed and choosing based on functionality, the most important quality might be versatility. While most facial beds will normally have the same set of basic functions, where they differ is how many kinds of customers they can cater to. If you choose to forego the importance of this, you may end up losing customers because they may feel like they are being forced into equipment that is not meant for them. In the worst case, customers may be dissatisfied with the service and even cause serious damage to the reputation of your business.
What Facial Bed Size are You Looking for
It is so easy to go crazy when picking out a facial bed based simply on the size that you want. Sometimes we even fail to neglect the kind of space that is available to us. Do not forget that a facial bed need not only be smaller than the actual room that the facial bed is in. Remember that the therapists or facialist will need to roam around the room while attending to one of your clients. The space is crucial especially for this kind of delicate work. Your staff may not appreciate a cramped space where they may fail to work their craft to the best of their potential. Another factor that you have to consider is the equipment that your treatment room requires. Nowadays equipment, even for the simplest of functions, are becoming bulky and are quite the space eaters. And as with the functionality, you also have to be sure about how the operations will take place inside the treatment rooms. For instance, are the therapists going to be standing the whole time or will they be able to sit down. These small details should all be taken into account so you could narrow down your search on what size of a facial bed you will need.
Height of the Facial Bed
When looking for the right height of the facial bed the most important factor is the comfort of the therapist or facialist. After taking into account the space requirements of the space that is available to you, talk with your practitioners and make sure that they are comfortable with the set up that you have in mind.
The good news is that facial beds normally have a standard height so you will not have to think too hard about this. Your practitioners will also be already familiar with the kinds of heights that facial beds normally have. The bad news is that if you have limited space in terms of height, your options will be limited into having custom made facial beds. Not only are these facial beds going to a meticulous inspection by the healthcare institutions, it should also cost quite a lot more than the usual facial bed. Only in rare cases should a treatment center knowingly choose a non-standard custom facial bed height. For instance, in facial beds for athletes which should require a custom build.
Length of the Facial Bed
On the other hand, the length of the facial bed will be dependent on the kinds of clients you will be dealing with. The reason for this is because people’s heights vary quite wildly from person to person. Men for example are normally taller than women and younger people will also be shorter. To be safe, choose the maximum length that your space affords you. This way you will be able to each kind of customers and you can maximize your profit.
Width of the Facial Bed
As with the height and length, the width is also an important number that you have to make sure that you get right. Too wide and the practitioner might have a difficult time and if it is too narrow, the client might fall off.
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The Handyman Tips Team is a group of authors that provides tips on the Handyman Tips website. The Handyman Tips team consists of real handymen, contractors, carpenters, woodworkers, and experts in home repairs, appliance repairs, and landscaping. The team is always there for visitors to the Handyman Tips website. If you can’t find the answer to your question on the Handyman Tips website, one of them will reply to you almost immediately if you contact them through the Ask the Handyman page!