Are Pests Damaging My Roof? 3 Signs You May Have a Problem and How to Fix It

Published On: August 25, 20200 Comments on Are Pests Damaging My Roof? 3 Signs You May Have a Problem and How to Fix ItTags: , , , Last Updated: February 9, 20243.3 min read

You never want to find any signs of pests in your home. Whether it’s in your cupboards or your basement, pests are always unwelcome guests that can cause serious damage to your home. One part of your house you may not even have thought to check for signs of pests is your roof. No one spends a lot of time up there, but it’s important to routinely inspect your roof. It could be the difference between severe structural damage and fully functional home.

Are Pests Damaging My Roof

If you’re not even sure what to look for when it comes to natural home intruders, here are three signs you may have a problem and how you can fix it.

1.Droppings On The Roof

Even if your pest is out and about for the day, or worse, hiding in your rafters, your first indication that they may be hanging out on your roof is excrement. It might sound kind of gross, but it’s a very clear sign that a critter is in the area. Some droppings from larger mammals will be obvious. Raccoons and even rats leave noticeable dung. Insect excrement can be much more difficult to identify, since it might just look like regular dirt.

To know exactly what you’re dealing with, it’s important to have a professional inspect your roof. If you’re living in Colorado, consider having Metro City Roofing Services check out your roof for you. They’re one of the best roofing companies Denver has to offer, because their staff consists entirely of state-licensed independent adjusters. They also won’t take up your whole day by giving you a four-hour window of time for their inspection. Metro City Roofing Services gives you a set appointment time, so you’re never left guessing when they’ll arrive. If your roof ends up needing any repairs, after you’ve called a pest removal company, they’ll fix it up with the highest quality roofing materials available. This will hopefully deter any other unwanted guests from taking up residence on your roof.

2. Structural Damage

Worst-case scenario, you might find that the pests have found a way through the roof and have compromised the structural integrity of your home. They may leave chew marks on the beams that are literally supporting the roof over your head, making it precarious to leave unfixed. If a roofing expert finds structural damage that’s threatening your family from pests, you will certainly need to get working on roof replacement or another roof project in a timely manner. This can cost a lot more money than you currently have stashed away for emergencies.

Are Pests Damaging My Roof - roof damaged by pests

In order to have more money for this project, you could be wondering, is refinancing worth it? Refinancing your home could mean finding a home loan with a lower interest rate than you have with your current loan. This can ultimately save you money, allowing for more wiggle room in your repairs budget. It’s never a bad idea to consider whether you’re getting the best rate on your home and to refinance accordingly, especially with how low-interest rates currently are.

3. Visible Nests

Many of the pests who will try to take up residence in your roof will make themselves at home by forming a nest. This is true for birds, of course, but also for insects and mammals. If you see a shingle out of place or holes that lead into the structure of your roof, peeling that layer back may reveal a nest. Much like people, animals like to stay warm. Since heat rises to your roof rafters, they may be particularly attracted to this area in the winter months. Roofs provide security for all sorts of creatures. Try to contact a company that will remove these creatures humanely if at all possible.

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The Handyman Tips Team is a group of authors that provides tips on the Handyman Tips website. The Handyman Tips team consists of real handymen, contractors, carpenters, woodworkers, and experts in home repairs, appliance repairs, and landscaping. The team is always there for visitors to the Handyman Tips website. If you can't find the answer to your question on the Handyman Tips website, one of them will reply to you almost immediately if you contact them through the Ask the Handyman page!

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