Office Design Upgrades for a Happier Workplace

Published On: March 25, 20210 Comments on Office Design Upgrades for a Happier WorkplaceTags: Last Updated: February 7, 20243.7 min read

When we talk about happy workplaces, it is mainly about ensuring that positive, fun vibes emanate in the way a workplace is designed or how the flow of work is. Of course, much of that also depends on the kind of office policies and management approach towards the employees. However, the overall design of an office can also help promote positive vibes and make it a happy place of work.

Office Design Upgrades for a Happier Workplace - office

Here are some pointers on how office design upgrades can help make a positive impact:

Create Fun and Motivational Social Spaces

Indeed, if you are an employer looking to upgrade camaraderie in your office, team bonding activities are probably on top of your list. Surveys have shown that strong relationships can help make the work experience a positive one, even in a workplace. There are all that points to design opportunities as well. If your standard office had only a small tea and snacks closet corner, it might be time to rethink that space.

Modern office designs include innovative uses of existing open corners, terraces or balconies, and even small conference rooms for turning them into social spaces. Many open layout office designs include nooks and corners made cozy with sofas and cushions, ideal for impromptu chats among colleagues. Indeed, gone are the days when employees had to hide and have conversations, away from the eyes of their bosses. According to experts from, companies are now creating coffee rooms, lunch areas, and setting space aside for recreational spaces all in an attempt to get their employees to spend time together socially, collaborate and form human relationships that can have a positive impact on their work.

Promote Sense of Well Being

Design upgrades do not have to be out of budget as well. Hence, many designers help companies work around simple upgrade ideas that can help enhance the sense of well-being among employees. Providing work settings that are adjustable as well as enhancing natural light conditions can work wonders. Many designers are able to make such adjustments without making much change to an existing office layout. Nowadays there is much emphasis on allowing greenery inside as well as outside office settings. This, along with ample natural light, can help create an oasis-like environment. This can have a powerful impact on the morale of employees. For such reasons, many modern offices have waterfall effects on their walls or have green walls even in their interiors, simply to integrate nature and create a calm and positive environment.

Biophilic Designs

This is another concept that is closely related to the previous point. It revolves around the concept of including in our office designs the love of nature. This in turn helps create healing and positive environments. Modern workplace designers are finding ways to include wellness and health with a renewed focus on natural elements. Biophilic designs are more about creating workplaces that foster cognitive as well as emotional comfort. They are also about fostering an environment of mindfulness. It helps people take pause, notice what is happening around them and be more aware of their presence.

Office Design Upgrades for a Happier Workplace

Nap Pods to Spa Rooms

Modern office spaces and employers are splurging in many ways to ensure that employees do not feel the need to rush home from their workplace. Hence, if you are looking to upgrade and make your office a happier place for everyone to work, you could take a few tips and incorporate the changes, as per your budget. Some changes, for instance, do not need to involve significant budgets. Adding nap pods for instance. These are great for employees to get some shut-eye or take some personal time out. They can be placed in corners of a recreational room or a meditation room. Some companies also invest in in-house gym and spa facilities. Of course, that would depend on the kind of design upgrade budget you have. In-house gym and spa rooms definitely showcase the employer’s commitment towards the health and wellbeing of employees. Such recreational facilities help employees handle stress better and have a more balanced and healthy work-life.


Design upgrade ideas can be several, all with the common aim of making a happier workplace. Whether you are looking for excellent solutions for office partitions or wish to consult with the experts on your office space, we are simply a call away.

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