Lighting Comparison: Led vs Incandescent

Last Updated: January 29, 2024Categories: General tipsTags: 3 min read

One of the things that you want to get right when it comes to your home or your place of work is the lighting. You don’t want to spend more than necessary just so that you can see what you are doing at any given time, and you want to ensure that you are getting the best on the market. In this article, we’re going to be comparing two of the most popular types of efficient lighting solutions: LED and incandescent in this LED vs Incadescent duel.

LED vs Incadescent light bulbs

If you are interested in finding out more about this, keep reading down below.

What Do You Need To Know?

Energy efficiency

The first thing that we’re going to look at is energy efficiency. Incandescent bulbs were not created with energy efficiency in mind seeing as they were created a long time ago. It’s for this reason that they are extremely inefficient, especially when compared to the LED. An LED converts the majority of the energy it uses into light, where the incandescent creates mostly heat energy.


Incandescent light bulbs last between 750-1,000 hours on average, which is pretty much nothing. It might sound like a lot, but if you have the light on for 12 hours of the day for any given reason, then it won’t last long at all. The LED bulbs, though, will last you around 14 years, which is over 100,000 hours.


LED bulbs are significantly more flexible than your regular incandescent bulbs. LED’s can be designed to fit into any fixture, making it more convenient than regular bulbs. The design flexibility is insane, where incandescent bulbs are not capable of being flexible in their design.

incandescent light bulbs

Initial cost

Initially, you will find that the incandescent bulb is going to be cheaper to purchase. If you simply look in the store or online, the price difference, while not huge, is still pretty noticeable.

Warm-up time

Incandescent bulbs will start as they mean to go on. The light that you get in the beginning is the same level of light that you’re going to get consistently while you have the light on. LED bulbs however take a little bit longer to warm up. They start a little dimmer, and then as they warm up they get brighter. Don’t worry though, it doesn’t take long for LED’s to reach their maximum output, maybe ten minutes tops.


You may have heard a debate previously about safety when it comes to incandescent bulbs. As they were designed so long ago, they don’t adhere to the safety standards that consumers expect today as they get hot to the touch, and can shatter. The fact that they are made of glass is dangerous in itself, especially when you consider the temperature it can reach. LED lights on the other hand are a lot safer. Certain designs don’t really get hot at all, such as if you are using LED strips, but bulbs can heat up, though nowhere near the temperature of the incandescent.

If you are still not 100% convinced about what we have said here, then you should ask a lighting expert. They will also agree that LED is the far superior option to the incandescent bulbs in pretty much every way and that LED is the winner of this LED vs Incandescent duel, meaning that this is the path that you should probably go down. Good luck, and we hope that you make the right choice.

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