How to Keep Your Bathroom Renovation under Control
Have you ever tried to renovate a room in your home and ended up paying way more than you thought you would or having to deal with a bigger mess than you expected? That happens so often that many people are afraid to even start renovating, but with careful planning, you can keep your bathroom renovation under control.
Set a Budget
You want to begin by figuring out what your budget will be. You want to follow the latest bathroom renovation trends but you need to be realistic about your budget. You may not know the cost of everything you will need for your renovation, but you can do some research on different aspects of the work to determine what the budget ought to be. Your budget will be based on what you can afford, of course, but even if you have lots of money to spend, you want to make sure you aren’t being wasteful.
If you research each fixture you want to have installed in the bathroom and each thing you want to change out, you can get an idea of what the entire bathroom should cost. You want to budget not just for parts, but for labor as well. You can call around to different home construction services and see what their best rates are to get an idea of what you should be shooting for. Before you set a budget, you may have some idea of what kind of sink you want in the bathroom, what kind of mirror you would like or even the shower head you would prefer. Once you start researching prices, some of those preferences may change.
Plan for a Mess
Construction in the home can be messy work, and you will want to have a plan for how to deal with the mess. You don’t want dust and debris to get tracked all through the house, which could easily happen while your bathroom is being renovated. Plan to tidy up after every day of construction in the bathroom. If you don’t do at least some sweeping, the dust can easily spread to other rooms. You should also organize construction equipment, like tools and building supplies. These can be neatly arranged after every day of work so that the next day can go more smoothly. This can save you hours of extra time as you or a construction company does the renovations.
After the construction work is done, you may want to hire a cleaning service such as NYC House Cleaners to tidy up for you. That can save you a lot of work and effort on your part, and the cleaning service may be able to do a better job of tidying up than you could. Their expertise can help prevent you from having to do a lot of cleaning in other rooms. Having regular cleaning done throughout the renovation process as well as afterwards will ensure the air quality in your home is good and keep you from having to do extra cleaning outside of the bathroom area.
Adapt Your Plans
No matter how good your bathroom renovation plans maybe, they might have to change part way through the process. You may find that a fixture you wanted doesn’t work like it should, and you may see that labor costs are going higher than you expected. It might be necessary to make adjustments to your budget and your plans, so be prepared to do that if necessary.
One way to stay on top of the bathroom renovations and keep costs from ballooning beyond your expectations is to stay in communication with the construction crew. Find out how they’re progressing, what they expect the cost to be, and if they are staying on schedule. You should check in with them every day at least, and this will help avoid surprises that could slow down the construction process. Even though you may have a set budget and a solid plan in place for your construction project, bathroom renovations don’t always go according to plan.
Look for Budget Friendly Alternatives
If you find that your plan for the bathroom renovation is not working, you don’t have to despair just yet. You may be able to find alternative fixtures, ideas, and plans that will work in the bathroom that might not be what you originally wanted. What happens with a lot of home renovation projects is that they stall out partway through. That’s because costs are more than the homeowners expecting or they end up not having the funds available that they thought they would. Instead of allowing your project to come grinding to a halt, you can look for cheaper alternatives to what you have planned.
For example, you can find gently used fixtures and components for the bathroom rather than paying for new ones. You may want to do some shopping around to find the best price on some parts to save yourself money as well. You may want to consider natural lighting options rather than trying to install expensive light fixtures. You can also talk to the construction company that’s doing the renovations for you and see if they have some suggestions for ways you can save money. Maybe you can even do some of the work yourself rather than having them do everything. These are just a few ideas of how you can make changes to your preferences in order to accommodate your budget and handle any issues that arise with an overly expensive bathroom renovation.
Closing Thoughts
A lot of bathroom renovations do get out of control and may have trouble getting back on track. This can be frustrating and slow down the work, keeping you from completing it on schedule. Instead of getting stressed out when something goes wrong, you can be prepared for most eventualities by following the guidelines in this list. It’s helpful to keep things in perspective and not lose sight of what you want for your bathroom renovation. At the same time, you may have to sacrifice your dream bathroom for something that’s more affordable and more realistic for your available resources. If you follow this tips carefully then you’ll be able to keep your bathroom renovation under control and within budget.
About the author
The Handyman Tips Team is a group of authors that provides tips on the Handyman Tips website. The Handyman Tips team consists of real handymen, contractors, carpenters, woodworkers, and experts in home repairs, appliance repairs, and landscaping. The team is always there for visitors to the Handyman Tips website. If you can’t find the answer to your question on the Handyman Tips website, one of them will reply to you almost immediately if you contact them through the Ask the Handyman page!