How to Move a Bathroom Sink
Moving or rerouting a bathroom sink is not always complicated. As long as you follow the right steps, this process shouldn’t be a problem. We put together the most important steps to follow if you need to move a bathroom sink.

So, keep reading and get your tools together!
How to Move a Bathroom Sink
Follow these steps to move your bathroom sink the right way! You will save time, and there will be no hassle in these steps if you use the right tools.
Step 01: Disconnect the sink from the plumbing system
The first thing you will have to do is disconnect your sink from its current location. Make sure to turn the water off before proceeding with this step. If you don’t turn the water off, you risk flooding and accidents that will ruin your bathroom flooring. Also, close the fixtures once you are done disconnecting your sink. Getting your sink off the drainage system and the countertop is one of this process’s most delicate parts. If you do this the right way, you will ease your job as you try to install the sink in a different location.
A good tip for this step is to follow the location plan. By doing so, you will know where the pipes are precisely, and you will not have to guess. This could help you disconnect the sink in less time and with less trouble.
Step 02: Remove the sink
Get your sink off from every plumbing fixture and save the parts as you go. Your sink should come off easily once it is not connected to the wall and the drainage system. Pay attention as you perform this step because you will have to remember it when you move the sink. If your sink was glued to a surface, try to remove it with caution. You don’t want to damage the sink in the process if you’re going to reuse it.
Step 03: Prepare the new location for the sink
Now that you have your sink completely off the wall, you can start getting ready for its new location. Check the drainage and plumbing fixtures. They should match your sink model for everything to fit in together. If the plumbing system is not welcoming the sink model, you might have to adjust it. In some cases, connecting extra pipes could be necessary. Most sinks have a vent system behind it. If your sink’s new location doesn’t have this vent, you will have to create it by breaking the wall. For complex plumbing tasks, it’s advisable to seek the help of a professional like Superior Plumbing to ensure the job safely.
Step 04: Install the sink in the new location
All you have to do once your new sink location is ready is going through the installation process. The sink you have most likely came with instructions. You can start by using the same instructions to install it on the wall. Connect all the parts together and check if there are any leaks. The last thing you want is loose plumbing fixtures that create water puddles in your bathroom.
To check for leaks, you should allow the sink to fill with water. Once it is full, drain it as you naturally wood. Put a cloth where the leaks might happen and check it at the end of the draining process. If the cloth is dry, your sink is working correctly. If the cloth is not dry, you will have to use pliers and tighten the connections. Keep repeating this process until you notice no more leaks as you use your sink.

5 Tips to Install an Undermount Bathroom Sink
If you want to install an undermount bathroom sink by yourself, there are specific tips that will significantly ease your job. You don’t have to be an expert to go through this process. But you will need friendly tools and instructions to follow if you want to be successful. Here are five essential tips for applying when you want to install the bathroom sink!
Clean all the countertop
Cleaning your countertop is essential. It is even more important to clean the underside of it before installing the sink. You can use a cloth soaked in alcohol or any cleaning solution to clean your countertop. Placing the countertop upside down might help in the process. You can put it on two sawhorses as well in such a way that you have better access.
Use glue or adhesive
To install your sink, you will need a suitable adhesive too. The adhesive will assure you the sink is stable on the countertop. Using adhesive will also fill any possible gaps, so your sink will not move later on. You can use a caulking gun and apply adhesive on the outer part of the sink’s rim. The way you apply the adhesive will depend on the type of sink you have. It will also be important to use a glue that is friendly with the sink’s material so it will stick to it.
Add the sink
Placing the sink in its spot is probably one of the most important steps. You will have to make sure it is in the right position and clamp it accordingly. You might need help from a friend to hold the sink. As they are holding the sink, you can take care of the clamping part. Once you finished the clumping process, you can lower the sink to meet the countertop.
Fix the sink edge
The edge of your sink has to be firmly in place. This is where you will use silicone caulk and a lot of caution because you only have one chance at it. A high-quality silicone will seal the edge of your sink correctly. By doing so, you avoid water leaks as well as different gaps. Give the caulk time to cure according to instructions.
Install the drain system
The last but significant step is installing the drainage. First of all, you shall put the countertop back in its place. Connect the drain tailpiece to the strainer and secure them together. Make sure you use a p-trap assembly to check if everything is stable in place. Moving forward, you will have to set up the faucets. Get the faucet hoses connected to the additional valves in your system. You will need a wrench to complete this task. Once everything is connected, it is wise to check for potential leaks. If there are any installation problems, you can still fix them at this point. If there are no leaks, use your pliers to tighten everything, and you are done!
For beginners in terms of plumbing and sink installation, these steps might seem complicated. But the truth is that everyone can move and install a bathroom sink as long as they follow the instructions. Having the right tools, such as pliers, wrenches, and others, will help you significantly. If you are not sure of how to complete this process successfully, you should contact a specialist. But with proper help from a friend, you could get it done faster than you think!
About the author
The Handyman Tips Team is a group of authors that provides tips on the Handyman Tips website. The Handyman Tips team consists of real handymen, contractors, carpenters, woodworkers, and experts in home repairs, appliance repairs, and landscaping. The team is always there for visitors to the Handyman Tips website. If you can’t find the answer to your question on the Handyman Tips website, one of them will reply to you almost immediately if you contact them through the Ask the Handyman page!