How to Fix Your Kitchen Sink with These 4 Tips
There’s nothing worse than turning on the tap and seeing the water in your kitchen sink rise to the top with no hope of draining. Or even dropping something inside and watching the crack spread from one side to the other. Damaging the integrity of the sink is going to near enough render it useless which means fixing it might be quite difficult.
There are a few options to look at if you’re trying to fix your sink without the help of a professional, so let’s take a look at 4 of them.
Buy A New One
This might not be classed as fixing the sink you already have, but it’s classed as fixing the problem. Some issues with kitchen sinks, like cracking it completely, are unrepairable so the only choice you have is to purchase another one. The professionals at suggest if you’re having to replace your sink, going for a high quality one to replace the existing is a must.
You don’t want to be replacing your sink every year because the one you bought last time was a budget version. It might be a little more expensive to begin with, but spending more money to replace it with something that’s going to last years and give you the best performance is a must. You’ll end up saving money in the long run, and you’ll get a quality product. There are plenty of styles to choose from but if you cracked your previous sink then going for something a little tougher is probably the way to go. The old-style Belfast and London sinks are a brilliant investment as they look incredible, but also give a huge range of uses.
Hire A Plumber
Some things aren’t meant for us mere mortals to complete. There are numerous occasions where we try for hours to fix something and just can’t do it, only to find a professional come along and fix it within 5 minutes. Whilst that’s their job, it can still be frustrating. So if you’re butting heads with a problem that’s taking up too much of your time then it might be time to bite the bullet and call in the professionals.
A plumber will come in, diagnose the problem, let you know what it is, and then fix it for you. Once you know what the issue was then you’re going to be able to do things to prevent the same problem from happening again. For example, if they say that the pipe beneath the sink was full of coffee grounds, then you aren’t going to pour them down the sink any more. Tradesmen are trained for years before they are allowed out to your house, so there’s nothing to worry about if you choose to enlist the help of one. They will always provide a quality service, and you won’t have to do anything yourself. It’s a win-win.
Unclog The Sink
The most common of sink related problems is when it clogs up and doesn’t drain properly. You might not know what the cause of it is, but there’s a high chance that it’s going to be something blocking the U-bend or a build up in one of the pipes somewhere. Luckily, there are plenty of solutions to try before getting on your hands and knees and taking the pipes apart.
First, you can start by pouring boiling water down the drain, sometimes this is enough to help unstick anything that might have gotten stuck. If this doesn’t work then you can use a variety of different products to assist the boiling water. The first being drain cleaner if you can get hold of it. If you can’t then there could be a few different things lying around the kitchen that could help. Salt and boiling water is one combination, vinegar and baking soda are another, and finally baking soda and salt. These are all home remedies that have worked for people in the past so there’s no harm in trying.
Prevent Damage
One way of fixing your issues with a kitchen sink is to make sure you aren’t doing anything to damage it in the first place. Being mindful of what you put down it can elongate the life of your sink by years. They’re essentially designed for water and liquid and not for food and other substances like coffee or loose tea. If you can stop yourself from putting things down the sink that aren’t meant to go down then you won’t have many sink issues in the future.
Keeping your sink safe will save you a fair bit of money. The cost of replacing it isn’t cheap but neither is calling out a plumber. For the sake of a few seconds by the bin throwing food there first, it’s going to save you a fair amount of money. If you find yourself with a problem that’s too large for you to handle then call out the professionals. You can’t live without a sink, they’re an essential part of the kitchen.