4 Things You Should Know About How Solar Proposal Software Works
Gone are those times when only a handful of big companies were in the solar energy business. Nowadays, the industry is brimming with large and small entrepreneurs, all the more so, newcomers are showing up on the scene on a daily basis. With so many providers available out there, it’s getting harder and harder to stand out from the crowd and turn opportunities into sales.
To maximize the conversion rate and boost the growth of real sales, more and more businesses rely on solar proposal software, a state-of-the-art tool designed to create a visual presentation of the most complex projects, as well as numerous benefits delivered by solar energy right to the client’s office or home. Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of SPS, highlighting the four most important things you should know about this type of software.
What Is Solar Proposal Software?
Let’s start with a brief definition of solar proposal software. SRS is an innovative tool used by solar companies to create complete proposals that give clients a clear idea of the design, installation, and other elements of different solar projects. Depending on the developer, SRS can be part of a kind of all-in-one solar system software or may be offered a separate product. The main advantage of SRS is that proposals can be generated directly via the solar CRM (customer relationship management system), making things much easier, faster, and, of course, more efficient.
No errors, no double-entry, minimized amount of manual work, plus, every company can tailor the backend settings in accordance with their specific needs and preferences. Forget about massive stacks of printed papers and focus on what really matters – closing the sales. Sounds just great! And it is. So, keep reading to find out the details.
#1: Software Compatibility Is Key
To make the most of your solar proposal software, make sure to purchase one that is compatible with the operating system and other software you use. Also, look for products that are fully-optimized for a wide range of mobile devices (both Android and iOS) and stable in any browsers, or otherwise, you may have hard times when presenting projects to your future clients. Before making the final decision, do not forget to check the availability and functioning of the PV Module (PAN files), Inverter (OND files), as well as accessibility of Typical Meteorological Year (TMY) data.
#2: You Do Not Need To Place A Foot On The Site
Decent solar proposal software can do a heck of a lot of legwork for you and deliver brilliant results but under one condition: you have to provide a set of highly accurate data it can work with. Well, if you are in a solar business then you already know that, in the first place, we mean the “great trio” – location, size of the property, and the client’s demands for energy. The amount of sunlight is far from being the only important aspect. In fact, there are a plethora of things to consider, from surrounding objects that may affect performances to the type of solar panels to be the perfect match for the property.
Some years ago, it was a really big deal to gather necessary data and, what’s most important, manually calculate all the options. Today, sophisticated software does it all for you – remotely, without any hassle, numerous visits to the property, taking pictures and measures. Thanks to cloud-based solutions, you get the job done quickly and superbly.
#3: You Have To Know Your Company Needs
There is nothing worse than buying software that can’t cater directly to your needs in terms of capability and speed. Before opting for one or another brand, make a list of questions and answer them precisely. How many designs does your company make per month? What level of customization do you need? The size of your projects? The more questions you ask yourself and answer, the higher your chances to get the right SPS for your business.
#4: The Accuracy Of Estimates Is Very Impressive
Clients generally like precise estimates but with top-notch solar proposal software, you will have no problem answering even the toughest questions about the accuracy of your offers. The best solutions guarantee impressively precise results with a relative error lying within 1%. Solar proposal software is a great tool able to give a new dimension to the productivity of your business. However, it is also a solid investment, which means it’s of utmost importance to know your needs and consider all available options before making the final decision.
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The Handyman Tips Team is a group of authors that provides tips on the Handyman Tips website. The Handyman Tips team consists of real handymen, contractors, carpenters, woodworkers, and experts in home repairs, appliance repairs, and landscaping. The team is always there for visitors to the Handyman Tips website. If you can’t find the answer to your question on the Handyman Tips website, one of them will reply to you almost immediately if you contact them through the Ask the Handyman page!