How to Get Started with Table Tennis

Last Updated: February 9, 2024Categories: General tips4.5 min read

Playing table tennis, be it as a hobby or perhaps even professionally is extremely fun, and if you are looking for different things that you need to learn in order to get started, you have come to the right place.

How to Get Started with Table Tennis

In this article, we are going to talk about all the key aspects when it comes to getting started with table tennis.

Let’s Get Familiar With The Rules

First of all, it’s vital for you to get to understand the basic rules of playing table tennis. As with any other sport, nothing is simple quite as it looks, and if you want to be a good player, even if you end playing for fun with some friends, it’s always better to know the rules first. It goes without saying that you don’t need to learn all the rules immediately, as you continue to play and train, you will be able to build your knowledge further. So, what do you need to know?

The Main Rules

A typical match usually consists of a best three out of a total of five games, which basically means you could end up playing anywhere from three up to five games, depending on the results. When two players play a single game the winner is the one that reaches 11 points first, and if the result is 10-10, the winner is the one who sets a difference of 2 points from that point forward.

A change of service occurs after every two serves, so, the previous server becomes the receiver and vice versa, and these switches are made till the end of the game. When a new game is started, the player who had the first serve in the previous game is now the first receiver. There are many details regarding how you should serve and similar, but what we disclosed previously is all you need to know for now! Let’s continue with more practical tips.

What Equipment Do You Need?

Not much equipment is necessary in order to play table tennis, although there are many different things that can help you perform better.  First things first – you’ll need a bat (paddle) and a ball – everything else is optional. Not everyone can afford to buy a table, and you will surely be able to find one in order to practice, and if you want to practice at home – buy a net and install it on your regular table – a little bit of DIY is always a sufficient option.

Solo Practice Equipment

Many people can’t always find a partner with whom they can practice on a daily basis, and since we all know that practice makes perfect, buying a ping pong robot to play against on your own is a good alternative. There are many different settings you can opt for when it comes to these robots due to the fact that they have a wide range of features and capabilities. This makes them suitable for players of all ability levels, allowing you to progress, no matter where your skill level is at the moment.

How to Get Started with Table Tennis - practice

Mastering Your Grips

The first step to practical table tennis training is to master your grip since it’s the very base of your every hit. There are many different grips, but, as a beginner, how should you hold your paddle?

  • Firstly, you need to make sure that your thumb is on the forehand side of the paddle in such a manner that it faces your opponent when you are using the forehand stroke. More specifically, your thumb should be on the area between the rubber and the handle.
  • Your index finger needs to stay on the backside of the paddle, more precisely – in the bottom part of the rubber. So, contrary to your thumb, your index finger faces your opponent whenever you’re using the backhand stroke.
  • The remaining fingers need to be firmly wrapped around the handle. The key is to maintain the balance between the grip being firm enough to keep the paddle pivoted to your hand and loose enough so that it does not strain your muscles – which can happen if you always play with such a firm grip.

What Should Your Starting Position Look Like?

Your legs should be slightly spread out for greater stability, and make sure that your waistline is flexible and your feet ready for movement. If you are left-handed, you need to stand towards the right side and vice versa. Also, make sure that your left foot is slightly behind your dominant foot. For equal weight distribution, raise your ankles and bounce from one spot to another. This will make you light on your feet and it will allow you to move quickly around the table. Also, it would be best if you bend your knees slightly and lean forwards. This way, you will move more quickly, find your balance more easily, and you’ll be able to switch to more convenient positions faster.

After finishing this article, you are all set on the very basics, and by working on all the aspects that you have read in the previous text, you will start getting better and continue building up from there. Good luck, and whatever the purpose of you wanting to learn table tennis may be – have fun!

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