Keeping Your Gardens Pest-Free The Organic Way

Last Updated: February 13, 2024Categories: GardenTags: 5.2 min read

Keeping Your Gardens Pest-Free The Organic Way

There are many chemical solutions for dealing with many types of pest that you may have in your garden. However, many people would rather not take this approach and therefore look for more natural ways to deal with pests. Chemicals are harmful to pests but they can also be dangerous to other people that may consume them unknowingly such as young children or pets. The good news is that there are several ways that you can repel pests without using chemicals. Some solutions are easier to implement than others but none of them are particularly difficult. There are also measures that can be used for several different types of pests. Some of the most common measures are described in more detail below.

Adding Coffee Grounds To Soil

Most types of pests hate the smell of coffee and so adding coffee grounds to the soil is often enough to keep them away. They also offer a number of other benefits as they contain nitrogen which acts as a fertilizer. If you do not drink coffee at home then your local coffee shop will probably be more than happy to give you some of their waste grounds. You could also ask any family and friends who drink coffee.

Baiting Or Deterring Slugs

Slugs are one of the most common gardens pests and there are several ways to deal with them. Some people are happy to use methods which are fatal to slugs, whereas others would just prefer to send them on their way elsewhere. Copper is one of the best deterrents for slugs and this can be used in your garden in a variety of ways. It can be used to create a barrier on the ground around flower beds or be placed around the rim of plant pots. If you are not opposed to the idea of the slugs dying then you could try and trap them using containers of grape juice or beer which they will climb into and drown. If you are looking for ideas for getting rid of slugs in your garden, then a Gardening blog is a good place to start.

Organic Insect Repellent

You can get insect repellent which can be sprayed onto plants which are organic. These can be purchased or you may be able to make your own. Garlic and peppers are commonly used in the sprays which seem to be the most effective and a mixture containing these are not too difficult to make.

There are also bigger pests than insects that can pose a threat to your garden. Small animals such as rabbits will see the things that you are growing as a tasty snack that they can help themselves to. There are some deterrents that you can use to try and keep these bigger pests out of your garden.

Sprinkle Blood Meal Around The Garden

If you live near a meat packing plant then you may be able to get hold of some blood meal, which is flakes of dried blood. The smell of blood will deter bigger pests even if it is not fresh and the scent will linger for some time after it has been put down. Blood Meal is also a source of nitrogen which can help your plants to grow.

Keeping your gardens pest-free the organic way - chipmunk

Create A Strong Scent

Any type of strong scent can be enough to scare off any potential pests from your garden. Things such as perfume and scented soaps are particularly useful. If you spend a lot of time in your garden then you should make sure it is a smell that you can deal with. This can be a good alternative to blood meal if you do not want to have the scent of blood around your garden.

Make It Seem As If Predators Are About

The scent of bigger predators is one of the best deterrents that there is. Urine from animals such as coyotes and foxes is available to buy and this can be placed in strategic places around your garden. You only need to use a few drops at a time and so one bottle will last you for a few seasons. If there is an area of the garden where you think pests are entering then this is the area you should concentrate on first.

Use Water To Scare Pests Off

You can buy water sprinklers that use a motion detector to trigger the spray. These look just like normal sprinklers and will not take anything away from the look of your garden. When an animal of any type walks past the sensor they will be blasted with water and this is usually enough to send them running. These can be turned off when you are in the garden so you don’t get wet yourself but you need to remember to turn them back on again.

Make Use Of Certain Types Of Plants

Another way to protect your garden from pests is to grow plants that are a natural deterrent. This can end up being quite expensive and you will have to wait until the plants start to grow before they become effective. Some plants have natural defenses against pests such as leaves that are prickly and stalks that have thorns on them.

The use of these types of plants in your garden is something that will take a lot of planning. You will need to decide where they are going to be planted and which other plants will grow alongside them. Some people decide to pair up plants that do act as a repellent with those that don’t so that both plants are protected.

One of the main issues with using chemicals in your garden, aside from safety of children and pets, is that is can also keep away the wildlife that you want to attract such as bees and birds. When you are using measures that do not use chemicals then you can keep away only the pests that you want. Most pest control methods that do not use chemicals are also much better for the environment and this is another reason they are so popular with a lot of people.

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