5 Tips for Creating a Family-Friendly Home Design
When you were younger, you may have dreamed of what your future house would look like. You might have been inspired by what you’ve seen in magazines and videos and imagined having a home that appeared immaculate and perfect. This might still be how you picture your dream house to look, but having a family means you need to consider their needs as well. Instead of merely focusing on aesthetic elements, you want to build a space where each family member can feel safe, comfortable, and truly at home.
Perhaps you’ve applied for a home loan to fund the construction of your new house, and you’re now exploring various home designs that’ll suit the lifestyle and requirements of your family. If that’s the case, read on. From assessing your needs to building functional spaces, here are some tips to help you create a home design that’s cozy, practical, and family-friendly:
Consider Your Needs and Lifestyle
Your home should adapt to your family’s requirements, not the other way around. So, consider your needs and lifestyle first and foremost when creating a home design. To do this, imagine what your daily life will be like inside your new home. Will you spend most of your time hanging out together indoors? Do you plan to prepare and eat most of your meals at home? Ask yourselves such questions to get a better idea of the positioning of the rooms, walls, windows, and doors, as well as the furniture and other details. Besides your current requirements, remember to factor in your future needs when planning your home’s design. That way, you can save on renovation or remodeling costs when your kids grow older and your family’s lifestyle changes. Ultimately, you want a home design that works today and for years to come.
Plan Your Kitchen Carefully
The kitchen is arguably the busiest and most important area in most Filipino homes since it serves multiple functions. In addition to cooking and eating, some families like to gather in the kitchen to do homework or simply chat with each other. As such, you might want to spend time and effort planning this space well. To help you get started, here are several things you may want to consider when designing your kitchen:
- If you have the space and budget, it’s best to have an outdoor or “dirty” kitchen where you can do all the heavy work, such as food preparation, cooking, and washing dishes. That way, you can keep your central kitchen well-maintained, clutter-free, and ready for entertaining guests.
- Instead of placing all your kitchen tools and appliances on top of your kitchen counter, make sure to install built-in cabinets and create adequate storage areas to keep your kitchen well-stocked but neat. This organizing strategy will also help reduce the risk of accidents involving young children.
- Create or designate a space to serve as your pantry where you can store canned goods, snacks, and other dry food products. Keep similar items together or arrange them in your chosen food categories to make things easier to find.
- Instead of ordinary waste baskets, you may want to install pull-out rubbish bins. This disposal solution helps to keep your kitchen neat, hygienic, and free from disease-carrying insects and pests.
Create a Laundry Area
The more your family grows, the bigger your laundry load will be. And while you can squeeze your washing machine into the bathroom or a kitchen corner, it’s more efficient and convenient to designate a separate laundry area, even if it’s a small one. When designing a laundry room, you may want to use slide-out work surfaces and concealed cabinets to save space and keep the area orderly. Retractable drying racks and ironing boards are also great options to make the most of a small space while keeping your laundry area functional.
Have Extra Storage Spaces
Make sure to incorporate storage spaces in every part of your home when you create your design. Otherwise, it’ll be challenging to keep your house tidy and clutter-free. Review your lifestyle and daily activities to determine which areas need more storage space. Perhaps you can have a built-in cabinet in the entryway for your shoes, bags, and other knick-knacks. Or maybe you can create a small room in one corner of the kitchen or under the stairs for storing your brooms, mops, and other cleaning items. When in doubt, create as much storage as possible to keep all your household and personal items organized.
Think About Your Privacy and Protection
More than a mere space to rest, your home is a place to keep you and your loved ones safe and secure. It’s your family’s private domain, so you want your home design to help you maintain privacy and safety. One design tip to consider is having a small entryway, so you can greet anyone at the front door without exposing the main interiors of your home. Another essential security consideration is the position of the windows. Perhaps you can strategically place them in areas that’ll allow you to keep an eye on the front, sides, and back of your house, even if you don’t step outside. However, it’s crucial that your neighbors can’t peek into your living space through the windows as well, so utilize smart designs and window treatments.
Unless you have the credentials, it’s best to work with an architect and other professionals in finalizing your home design. They can execute your vision for your home, so it helps to keep the above tips in mind. Use them as a guide for the different factors and elements you need to consider. With careful planning and attention to detail, you can design a home that’s comfortable and suitable for your family.
About the author
The Handyman Tips Team is a group of authors that provides tips on the Handyman Tips website. The Handyman Tips team consists of real handymen, contractors, carpenters, woodworkers, and experts in home repairs, appliance repairs, and landscaping. The team is always there for visitors to the Handyman Tips website. If you can’t find the answer to your question on the Handyman Tips website, one of them will reply to you almost immediately if you contact them through the Ask the Handyman page!