9 Elements of Asphalt Paving That Define the Final Outcome’s Quality
Successful asphalt paving projects require planning and preparation. This process begins with proper paver set up and requires properly trained individuals to execute the work. Every step builds upon the previous one, and attention to detail remains critical throughout the process. A failure in this area often leads to delays and the need to repeat the work.
How can a company avoid issues as the project moves forward?
Proper Paver Setup
Examine the equipment before doing any work to ensure there are no problems that could interfere with the work or cause a safety hazard. Examine fluid levels, start the machine, and check all gauges. Apply a product to prevent asphalt from sticking to the bare metal parts and set the screen to the correct specs before preheating it. Rotate the depth cranks to the correct paving depth as well. Never skip any of these steps, as doing so could lead to issues arising. However, concrete projects, such as those carried out by frasercon.com, also require correct preparation of the equipment for the best results.
Lay the Mat
A quality mat provides the foundation for upcoming work. Paver speed and material level factor into the equation and determine the quality of the pavement. In fact, consistent paving speed and a consistent head of material in front of the screen serve as the top two factors responsible for determining the quality of the mat.
Adequate Material Head
Material faults occur because of an improper head of material or mass of paving mix present in front of the screen. This mass spans the screed’s width and cannot fluctuate during the paving process. If it does, the pavement surface won’t be level or smooth. Too much and the surface contains waves. Too little and the mat thickness decreases, leading to significant flaws.
Paving Speed
A lack of consistency in the paving speed leads to ripples and waves. Furthermore, it brings about an irregular mat depth. To avoid this, it’s best to operate the paver without interruption. Speed changes also affect the timing of the hot mix material delivery. The operator must keep the hopper a minimum of one-third full. Paving speed changes often occur because of trucks not arriving on the job site in a timely manner.
The pavement must be properly compacted to deal with heavy loads and the weather. When a company uses the best practices, they preserve the integrity of the asphalt, and road maintenance isn’t needed as frequently. Mat thickness, mat temperature, and compactor rolling patterns all play a role in quality compaction.
Mat Thickness and Temperature
The operator must monitor mat temperature to ensure proper compaction. In addition, project engineers must accurately calculate the mat thickness for the best results. The paving crew determines the correct angle of attack, however.
Rolling Pattern
Successful road-building projects require a precise rolling pattern. This determines the smoothness and long-term stability of the surface. Additionally, passes must be placed carefully to ensure depressions and bumps don’t form in the pavement.
Intelligent Compaction
More companies today make use of Intelligent Compaction. This allows for increased productivity, better compaction uniformity, and more. Thanks to advances in technology, road crews receive more access to critical data of help in the paving process.
Road crews must be properly trained on the equipment they are asked to use and safety procedures. Manufacturers often provide these courses to ensure clients get the most from their equipment. The best equipment is of no help if people don’t know how to use it properly.
Paving projects take time to complete, as they do involve numerous steps. Thorough preparation helps to reduce the time needed to carry out a project, but workers must also know what to do and when. If everything comes together, however, the project will be a great success. The same is true of concrete projects, so be sure to choose wisely for the best solution for your project.
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