Do’s and Don’ts When Using A New Boiler
Boilers are more frequently used when winter comes. However, if your boiler is also your water heater, it can be used every day. Generally, boilers have a lifespan of up to 10 to 15 years and more if very well taken care of. In taking care of your boiler, you have to know the dos and don’ts so as to keep it in shape and running efficiently through the years to come.
Also, there are simply things we may accidentally do that may cause dangers so it is important to know what to do and what not to do.
Do check your boilers regularly
Inspect your heater whether it has any leaks or other issues. At least once a year, it is important to have your boiler checked by an expert on heaters and boilers. It is important to be keen in observing if a boiler lost pressure. This may be a sign that there is a leak somewhere. Although low pressure is not as dangerous as high pressure, the leak that is causing this may reach electronics which will then become a hazard for you and your family. And no one wants that to happen. So, how to stay informed and prepared? The most reliable and simple way to do it is by purchasing high-quality boilers with guarantees. This way, you could always get back to their installation team to check for malfunctions when they happen. Find more information at
Do use a programmable thermostat
Using a programmable thermostat allows you to adjust temperatures automatically. You can ask a professional to install this. Programmable thermostats help you maintain your boiler as it reduces the wear on your heating system.
Do set the temperature under 120 degrees
Before going into that shower, you should check the boiler whether it is set below 120 degrees as you may get serious burns if the temperature is greater than 120.
Do maintain the cleanliness of vents and registers
To prevent dust, allergens, and what not circulating around your home, you must keep your vents and registers clean as your boiler pushes air through these and distributes heat all over your house.
Do not only turn on the boiler for only short time periods
Running your heaters for only brief periods can cause wear down on your boiler’s parts and issues with moisture. It has to run for three full hours before you can turn it off again.
Do not put anything that is combustible within 18 inches of the heater
Huddling any kind of materials but especially combustible materials creates one of the most dangerous fire hazards. You may not always know what is happening down there in the basement where your boiler is. It is best to keep the surroundings of your boiler clear than to not notice that fire had already started.
Do not allow any sediment to build up.
Allowing plank and sediment build up in your tank may cause contamination and blockage in the distribution of water in your house. More so, sediment build-up majorly contributes to a faster deterioration of boilers.
Do not block airflows
You should not block airflow since the heat you are trying to get from your boiler will have a hard time reaching rooms. It is alright to keep doors open in commonly used rooms to spread the heat faster. You may think you have set your settings low and may try to turn it up. This will cause your heating bills to increase when the only problem in the first place was a blockage.