5 Tips On Correctly Watering Your Garden
If you have taken up a gardening project, then you have gotten yourself a great hobby right there. No matter what it is that you have planted, you will be fascinated with the whole process of growing those plants and flowers and you will certainly get that sense of accomplishment upon realizing that you are the one responsible for their successful growth. Gardening is not only a nice and pleasant hobby, but also a very rewarding one. Hobbies do require your attention, though. In case you thought that you could just sit back, relax and watch the seeds that you have planted grow without making any effort to support that growth, then you were definitely wrong. It actually requires some effort on your part, so if you aren’t willing to do the work that has to be done, you probably shouldn’t even take up the whole gardening project. That is, unless you don’t want to fail graciously.
Now, I’m not saying that you need to turn into a plant expert. Of course, that would be a huge plus, but it really isn’t necessary. What’s necessary, however, is for you to understand what your plants need in order to grow, so that you can provide them with those things. As you can see, while you don’t have to be a plant expert, you do have to know a few things about the needs of your particular plants if you want their growth to be successful. Learn more about what plants need: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/special/children/how-plants-grow.htm
Water Is A Must
If there is one thing that you should never forget is that your garden needs water. This is completely logical and I suppose that even small children are perfectly aware of it. Water plays a huge part in the growth of your plants and your garden will certainly not look great or be successful if you don’t provide it with the moisture that it requires. When you first think of it, you will probably come to the conclusion that watering a garden is a no-brainer. You just take a hose and do it. Notice how the in-between process is completely missing from the scenario you are imagining. There’s no explanation on how to do it. You just have to do it and that’s about it.
Oh, well, what could be so complicated about that? You will know what you need to do the moment you grab that hose. It will all come naturally to you, won’t it? After all, it’s not like you can do something extremely wrong, meaning that you don’t have to worry too much about this particular gardening task. Is that right? It definitely isn’t, since you can easily do quite a few things wrong in this process and that can lead to issues like fungi, insects, shallow roots and more. I suppose you do want to avoid problems like that and if I am right, then you will have to learn a bit more about how to properly water your garden instead of simply taking wild guesses, doing the first thing that crosses your mind and then hoping for the best. If you don’t learn how to do this, you will certainly be doing much more harm than good every time you start watering.
The irritating part of this whole process is the fact that there really aren’t any hard and strict watering rules. Sure, the basics are all set out, but those are actually known to everyone. What I am saying that there are no strict rules to follow every single time. You sometimes simply need to play it by ear. Not literally, of course, since your plants won’t exactly speak to you and tell you what they need and when. Still, just because no clearly set out rules exist, it doesn’t mean that there aren’t some guidelines and tips that can help you do everything the right way. We have already made it clear that there are definitely wrong ways to do it, so you can just use these tips that I am mentioning as your very own set of garden watering rules, so as not to do it in one of those wrong ways. Below I’ll share some of the tips that will come in handy and help you learn how to correctly water your garden.
Get The Right Hose
Unsurprisingly, it all starts with the right gear. You can’t exactly grab the first tool that can hold water and proceed to your garden. That would be rather ineffective and rather silly too. Everybody knows that it takes proper equipment to do this successfully and I suppose that you are no exception. So, let us not make a philosophy out of it. The most important piece of equipment that you will need is, of course, a hose. Now, as you can see at Garden Peer, there are a lot of different tools to choose from and getting just any hose might not do the trick. For starters, you want it to be of perfect quality, so that you don’t need to change it every couple of weeks or months. Then, you also need it to meet certain requirements regarding the size and certain special features.
When shopping for the right hose, you shouldn’t just buy the first one you come across. Instead, take a look at more options, read some reviews about those particular tools that you are thinking of buying and compare the products. This will help you determine the quality, as well as get acquainted with all the features that those products have, so that you can choose the one that suits your needs best. Of course, you should also do price comparisons, but don’t forget that the prices aren’t the most important factor. The trick is in finding the perfect product at an affordable cost.
Water In The Morning
You might like the idea of going out in the middle of the night in order to water your garden, but the truth is that this is a direct invitation for insects to come out and start feasting. Plus, since it will be difficult for the leaves to get dry during the night, you might find yourself trying to deal with certain plant diseases if you make watering in the night a habit. Instead of doing that, you should water in the morning, thus leaving the foliage enough time to dry.
Make Sure To Reach The Roots
Roots are the part of the plant which needs the nutrients contained in the water. People often think that quickly sprinkling their garden from time to time will do the trick, but the truth is that this leads to shallow roots. Here’s what you should do instead. Water at fewer intervals, but do it thoroughly and deeply, so that you can reach the roots that require those nutrients.
Focus On The Base Of The Plant
We have already made it clear that roots are the parts that require most of your attention. This means that you should focus on the base of the plant while watering and do your best to avoid wetting the foliage. Of course, don’t get stressed out if it does get wet, since it will have time to dry if you are doing this in the morning. The point is, though, that you should focus specifically on the roots.
Don’t Exaggerate
In your effort to do this the best possible way, you might not know when to stop, which can lead to your garden getting too much moisture, which is just as damaging as too little. So, make sure not to exaggerate with the watering, or you’ll have some sick plants to deal with. Learn more about your specific plants, so that you know exactly how much moisture those need.
About the author
The Handyman Tips Team is a group of authors that provides tips on the Handyman Tips website. The Handyman Tips team consists of real handymen, contractors, carpenters, woodworkers, and experts in home repairs, appliance repairs, and landscaping. The team is always there for visitors to the Handyman Tips website. If you can’t find the answer to your question on the Handyman Tips website, one of them will reply to you almost immediately if you contact them through the Ask the Handyman page!