5 Common Well Pump Problems And How To Fix Them
Installing a well pump in your home is a great idea to have an alternative source of water. However, like any other system at home, it also needs attention and proper maintenance for it to function as effectively as you intend it to. Among the many parts that a well has, the most critical is its pump. Unexpected problems with your well pump can result in costly repairs. This is the reason why it’s important to learn how to fix them as soon as possible, whether you take the do-it-yourself (DIY) route or with the help of professional service providers who offer well pump repair services within your location.
With that being said, here are some common well pump problems and some viable ways to fix them immediately.
1. No Water
The most common problem in a household is turning on the water faucet, and no water comes out of the tap. A simple cause for this can be a tripped circuit breaker, consequently shutting off the power of the pump. All you need to do is to switch it back on, then check if the water supply comes back. However, if that’s not the case, then the problem can potentially be with the water well pump itself. This can happen quite frequently during the summer months when water is below the depth of the pump. You can also try to reduce water usage for a couple of days, then check if the water supply comes back to normal. If this doesn’t work, then another practical solution is to lower the pump deeper into the well. To do this, you may need to call a reliable CT well pump repair company for professional assistance to remedy the situation.
2. Decrease In Water Pressure
Compared to the first problem above of not having any water supply at all, this second issue seems to be a lighter problem. If you notice that your home suddenly has decreased water pressure, then your water well pump is starting to be problematic. Typically, a decrease in water pressure can mean that your well pump may be failing, hence the need for parts replacement or an upgrade. Moreover, if your pump already has a lot of rust in it, then the levels of iron may be high. This can also cause your pump to get clogged with iron bacteria. It’s advisable to have it checked by a professional as soon as possible to prevent the problems from worsening. In addition, you can also have it cleaned for safer use.
3. Cloudy Water
For sure you wouldn’t want to be bathing or drinking water that looks cloudy and murky. Clean water should be crystal-clear, so if you’re getting cloudy water this is a clear sign that your well may have a sinking water table. This typically happens, when the pump pulls from a shallow water source, it can bring sand and silt with it. This means that your pump is now unable to filter any debris as effectively as it should. This problem isn’t one to be taken lightly, as it’s your family’s health and safety that’s at stake. That said, if you encounter such instances, it would be best to call a professional repair service immediately to assess the source of the problem and find a solution accordingly.
4. Sputtering Water
Sputtering water is a sign that there’s air in your well pump’s system. When you turn on the faucet, it shouldn’t spit out water. The water should flow smoothly. When this problem occurs, the two main culprits can either be a crack in the water pipe or a malfunctioning pump. A plumber may be the best tradesman to address this concern, so they can properly pull the well and fix it. A plumber specializing in well pump repair in Snohomish, WA may be the best tradesman to address this concern, so they can properly pull the well and fix it.
5. Water Pump Constantly Cycles On And Off
By now, you may be able to decipher the normal cycle of your well pump. If you notice any change in it, such as constantly cycling on and off, it’s a telltale sign of a bigger problem. One of the main causes can be a leak in the well pump. Moreover, the check valve could be malfunctioning as well. This is that part of your water pump which stops water from flowing back to the well from the pressure tank. The best thing to do in this scenario is to call an expert and have it fully assessed for you to know what the real problem is. Doing this can prevent further damage, inconvenience, and waste of money in the long run.
Many households today choose to have their own well pump at home, for the many advantages that having one promises to bring. Among the most pressing is the undeniable fact that keeping a natural water supply means you may have access to water sources that are less treated with chemicals, thereby making it a healthier choice for households. However, to keep enjoying those benefits, it’s a must to ensure that your water well and its parts – like the pump – continue to function well. The list above contains only some of the common issues homeowners might face in the future. So, for you to learn how to fix those problems by yourself keep this guide handy at all times.
About the author
The Handyman Tips Team is a group of authors that provides tips on the Handyman Tips website. The Handyman Tips team consists of real handymen, contractors, carpenters, woodworkers, and experts in home repairs, appliance repairs, and landscaping. The team is always there for visitors to the Handyman Tips website. If you can’t find the answer to your question on the Handyman Tips website, one of them will reply to you almost immediately if you contact them through the Ask the Handyman page!
So, my aunt’s well pump decided to go on strike right when her garden was craving some serious hydration. I heard she’s on a mission to find a reliable well pump repair service to rescue her plants and restore the water flow. She should’ve known that maintaining the health of your water well and all of its components, including the pump, is essential if you want to continue reaping the rewards of having a well pump.
It’s great that you pointed out that having a natural water supply means we have access to water sources that are treated less with chemicals, making them a healthier choice for households. I need to install a pump for my new water well at home soon since I’m making it our main water source from now on. I’ll keep this in mind while I look for a water well service in Greensboro to hire for the pump installation we need soon.
I noticed a decrease in water pressure when I was about to shower last night, so I need to get my water pump at home fixed as soon as possible. I appreciate you informing us that a water well pump might either be failing or has parts that have become rusted, which is what is causing the decrease in water pressure to happen. I’ll take note of this while I call a water well pump service for repairs soon once I find one here in Hartford.
You got my attention when you said that your water well pump must be problematic if there is a sudden decrease in water pressure. This is something that I will share with my parents because they have been complaining about low water pressure to no water at all for the past two days. For sure, I will help them hire a professional that can have their water well pump repaired for their convenience within the day.