10 Common Spiders in Virginia Homes
Do you ever find yourself tiptoeing around the corners of your home? Do you keep your fingers crossed that you don’t disturb any eight-legged creatures as you clean around the house? Ever wonder which spiders you need to watch out for and are wondering if any are living in your home?
In this article, you’ll learn all about spiders in Virginia, which ones to watch out for, and how to keep them out of your home. Keep reading to learn more.
1. American House Spider (Parasteatoda Tepidariorum)
These pale to light brown adult spiders have a distinctively marked abdomen, which may sometimes have a silvery reflection. Its legs may appear reddish-brown due to the numerous hairs on them. They’re usually found in webs inside cracks and corners of the home. It’s the most frequent spider to invade Virginia homes and is often mistaken for the more venomous hobo spider. American House Spiders are generally harmless to humans and pets. However, they can bite aggressors if accidentally or intentionally disturbed. They’re slow-moving, a nocturnal species, and they don’t actively seek out humans.
2. Black Widow (Latrodectus Mactans)
This species of spider is easily identified by its dark brown to black color, red hourglass on its underbelly, and long spiny legs. This species is notorious for its venomous bite, although deaths of humans are rare. To prevent Black Widows from inhabiting your home, it is important to keep them away from areas they could hide away, such as piles of bricks or logs.
3. Brown Recluse (Loxosceles Reclusa)
The brown recluse, Loxosceles recluse, is one of the most feared spiders in the United States and is the only medically dangerous spider species in the Commonwealth. Brown recluses have a distinctive violin-shaped pattern on their cephalothorax, although they are not always easy to identify. They are usually between 6-20 mm and, unlike other spiders, have only six eyes. Although their bites can be very unpleasant and can even cause serious skin and tissue damage, they are not aggressive and typically bite only as a defensive measure.
4. Orb Weavers (Family Araneidae)
This family includes the popular black and yellow garden spiders, as well as other ones like the spiny-backed orb weaver and cross spiders. Some of the most common ones in Virginia homes include the marbled orb weaver, the banded garden spider, the European garden spider, and the bold Jumping spider. These eight-legged arachnids are noted for their intricate webs, which they weave at night in order to catch prey like flies and mosquitoes. Their webs consist of a radial arrangement of sticky spiral lines.
5. Wolf Spiders (Family Lycosidae)
They are ground-dwelling spiders with short, stout bodies and robust, hairy legs. They are dark to light brown in color, and their legs may be banded or spotted. Wolf spiders do not spin webs and hunt wandering their prey, which includes flies, small crickets, grasshoppers, and moths. They move quickly and are considered one of the most agile ground spiders. Wolf spiders are non-aggressive and don’t bite unless threatened or disturbed. They belong to the family Lycosidae, which is the active hunter of all spiders and is usually seen out during the daytime.
6. Grass Spiders (Family Agelenidae)
These harmless spiders are part of the funnel-web spider family and typically inhabit grass, woodpiles, and gardens. They have an elongated body with colors ranging from reddish-brown and dark brown. Their legs are long and thin with a light banding pattern. They also have a distinct triangular-shaped head and three pairs of eyes.
7. Jumping Spiders (Family Salticidae)
These spiders are known for their bunny-like hops, which they use to catch their prey and avoid predators. Their compact size and flattened bodies also make them ideal for entering buildings through small cracks and crevices. Identification characteristics of jumping spiders include large eyes, four of which are located on the front of their head, and a unique pattern of alternating stripes and spots on their back. When agitated, jumping spiders will raise their front legs up in a defensive posture.
8. Cellar Spiders (Family Pholcidae)
These spiders normally have brown or gray bodies, with long and narrow legs that can stretch up to 6 mm in length. Most of these spiders are non-aggressive and non-venomous; however, some of their relatives may produce mild irritation if they are handled irresponsibly. They are typically found inhabiting dark and humid places, such as cellars and other closed-in areas. Ceiling or wall voids may also be a possible area of residence for these spiders. Cellar spiders create messy, irregular webs that are filled with debris and other unsightly objects, making them a nuisance, particularly if they choose to establish themselves in homes and other places of human habitation. Don’t wait, contact a local spider control service today for an immediate solution to your spider problem!
9. Sac Spiders (Family Clubionidae)
These spiders have a relatively flat, elongated body and pale yellow-brown legs and abdomen, giving them the appearance of an acorn. Although they are considered harmless and generally shy, they have a nasty bite that can lead to redness and swelling around the wound. This is why they may bite if they feel threatened or provoked. They generally prefer darker, damp areas around the home, such as window sills and basements, as well as closets, garages, and outbuildings. Because of their non-aggressive nature, most homeowners will not see any harm in hosting these spiders in their homes.
10. Yellow Garden Spider (Argiope Aurantia)
These spiders are orb web weavers with a large yellow-and-black striped body. They are found in a variety of outdoor habitats and gardens, particularly near flowering plants. These spiders are known to build large, wheel-like webs that can stretch up to two feet in diameter. They feast on insects, such as mosquitoes and flies, that get caught in the web. This species of spider requires minimal maintenance, providing a natural way to help control insect populations. They do not cause any harm to humans or pets, so it is usually safe to allow them to stay in your garden.
Take Control Of Your Home Today And Keep Spiders In Virginia Away!
In conclusion, when it comes to spiders being found in homes, Virginia has its fair share of species. Knowing which common spiders in Virginia will help individuals distinguish between benign spiders and poisonous ones. Taking precautions and pest control measures during warmer months will help reduce the risk of an infestation. Make sure to research and identify the spiders in your home to ensure you are safe! Want more information on preserving your family’s safety? Check out our blog for more!
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The Handyman Tips Team is a group of authors that provides tips on the Handyman Tips website. The Handyman Tips team consists of real handymen, contractors, carpenters, woodworkers, and experts in home repairs, appliance repairs, and landscaping. The team is always there for visitors to the Handyman Tips website. If you can’t find the answer to your question on the Handyman Tips website, one of them will reply to you almost immediately if you contact them through the Ask the Handyman page!