Is it better to call a junk removal company or rent a dumpster
With spring comes a strong want to clean out and simplify your own life, including your house. Looking around, you may be surprised with the clutter that appeared to have accumulated over the duration of a very long winter. Depending on the area of the country where you reside, you may have had to spend way more time indoors during the cold months than you want to, causing you to notice all the things you just don’t need or desire. The itch to get rid of it all may overcome you, inspiring you to start hauling away stuff. Your first thought may be to load just as much as you possibly can in your car and take it down to the local Goodwill, followed by a another car load of all the junk you’ll be able to cram in there that is destined for the landfill. After a few rounds of this, you may just lose steam.
Maybe instead, you will jump on the internet and search for a dumpster rental service in the area, which makes sense. Surely, renting a skip and throwing all of your unwanted items in there is an easier, more convenient alternative.
However, before you pick up the telephone, you may want to pause and take into account all the options. A junk removal service might actually be the best match for you, depending upon your needs. They’re a great selection for no fuss, convenient clean up of virtually whatever you want to get rid of.
So, why is hiring a junk removal company such as is better than just renting a dumpster, you may ask. There are a lot of responses to this question. Let’s look at a few.
Like many homeowners, you likely take a lot of pride in the look of your home. Maintaining your property to make it look nice and well preserved may be one of the reasons you’re exploring rubbish removal options in the first place.
Renting a dumpster means playing host to some rather large, unsightly, potentially smelly, house guests that inhabit your lawn for all the world to see. And that dumpster will be squatting in front of your residence as long as it requires you to gradually haul all your junk into it. Instead of this unsightly image, imagine some individuals with muscle and a truck appear, grab all you want them to remove, and leave!
Cost in Time, Muscle & Money
Yes, whether you hire a removal service or lease a dumpster, you are going to be dropping a bit of money. But, using a removal service, that’s all you’ll have to drop, rather than dropping dad’s old La-Z-Boy in your big toe. Renting a dumpster means possible injuries and accidents from heavy lifting all sorts of oversized, bulky items, along with overall wear and tear on the human body.
The cost to your own body could be made worse if you are hurrying to get all of the junk out of your residence and off your premises in the quickest time possible. You may fret about the fact that the longer the dumpster sits, the more income you’ll be removing from the wallet. You may feel pressure to lift and carry things that should really be done by professional.
Let’s not forget about the price of your time. Not only are you spending money on the dumpster and potentially money on damaged walls or damages to your body, you are going to be paying the price of time. If you value your time then you can always hire a professional for your junk removal services.
While you could be doing many other tasks, such as a DIY renovation project, you are spending more time than you thought, still clearing junk away. Or, rather than spending time on the weekends with friends or family, something that you just don’t have enough time to enjoy during a busy work week, you are spending quality time with your dumpster rather.
This means heading back to work on a Monday morning with an achy back, sore muscles, and a film of grime you can’t rid yourself off – regardless of how many times you try to wash it off.
Spending money on a junk removal service means that for the price you’ve paid, someone is showing up and removing all the junk for you, leaving you to do whatever leisurely activities you want to do in the meantime.
Environmental Concerns
With the precarious environmental conditions we all live in, the majority of us have become fairly environmentally aware. That does not have to stop when you are kicking your garbage out the front door. Many things like electronics, carpeting, metals, furniture, clothing, and house products can be reused or recycled. Throw those things in a leased dumpster and who knows where they’ll end up… probably piling up at a landfill.
As an alternative, you can shop for and pick a junk removal company that is sensitive to environmental issues and offers a recycling guarantee. Choosing to get the vast majority of your recyclables dealt with by a junk removal service means less time you’ll need to spend locating the correct recycling facilities for all the items you own.