Are Styrofoam cups safe?

Published On: October 6, 20220 Comments on Are Styrofoam cups safe?Tags: Last Updated: January 21, 20242.7 min read

Polystyrene cups often called “Styrofoam cups,” are generally safe to use. The material is sturdy and doesn’t break down or leak chemicals easily.

styrofoam cup with popcorns

There are some concerns about the potential for chemicals in polystyrene foam to leach into food or drink. However, most research suggests that polystyrene foam cups are safe to use.

What is polystyrene foam?

Polystyrene foam is a type of plastic that is made from petroleum. It’s commonly used in packaging, insulation, and construction materials. Polystyrene foam is light and strong, which makes it ideal for use in cups and another food packaging.

Is polystyrene foam safe?

There is some concern that chemicals in polystyrene foam, such as styrene, can leach into food or drink. However, most research suggests that polystyrene foam cups are safe to use. One study found that styrene levels in coffee were below the safety limit set by the European Union (EU). The study also found that there was no significant difference in the amount of styrene leached from polystyrene foam cups and paper cups. Another study found that the amount of styrene that leached from polystyrene foam plates was below the safety limit set by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

styrofoam cup with coffee

What health concerns are potentially associated with polystyrene foam?

There is some concern that chemicals in polystyrene foam, such as styrene, may be harmful to human health. Styrene is classified as a possible carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). This means that there is limited evidence that it may cause cancer in humans. Most of the evidence on the potential health effects of styrene comes from studies on workers exposed to high levels of the chemical. These studies have found an increased risk of cancer, including leukemia and lymphoma. There is limited evidence on the potential health effects of exposure to low levels of styrene. Some studies have found an increased risk of headaches, depression, and fatigue in people exposed to low levels of the chemical. Overall, more research is needed to better understand the potential health effects of exposure to polystyrene foam.

Are there any regulations in place for polystyrene foam?

In the United States, the EPA has set a safety limit for the amount of styrene that can leach from polystyrene foam into food. This limit is based on the levels of styrene that have been found to be safe in studies on animals. The European Union has also set a safety limit for the amount of styrene that can leach from polystyrene foam into food. This limit is based on the levels of styrene that have been found to be safe in studies on humans. In Canada, polystyrene foam is regulated under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. This act sets limits on the amount of styrene that can be present in food packaging materials.


Overall, styrofoam cups are generally safe to use. There is some concern about the potential for chemicals in polystyrene foam to leach into food or drink. However, most research suggests that polystyrene foam cups are safe to use.

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