Top 6 Appliance Safety Rules To Live By

Last Updated: February 2, 2024Categories: General tipsTags: 4.3 min read

Walk through households today and it’s almost impossible to see one without appliances. There’s no denying how appliances help make life at home a lot easier and more manageable. In fact, there’s an appliance for almost every chore at home—cleaning, cooking, preparing food, studying, working, entertainment—whatever it is you need the help of technology for. The convenience of having appliances at home, however, also comes with risks. Generally, appliances are manufactured in top quality, abiding by strict safety and quality control checks. However, once you start using the appliances in your home, it’s now on you to ensure you live by basic appliance safety rules to avoid accidents.

fire on gas stove

Follow these six appliance safety tips to keep your home accident-free:

1. Be Diligent With Regular Appliance Maintenance

If you take good care of your appliances, they’re going to last you through so many years of use. This care for your appliances entails sending them over for regular maintenance to experts. When your appliances are checked and well-maintained, you can stay on top of any potential problem or faulty issues it has. Those appliance problems can be repaired before they turn into an even bigger concern. Most importantly, you’ll also be proactive about knowing when certain appliances may no longer be safe for use. Don’t overwork your appliances. If you know that one has particularly gone beyond their lifespan and can use a replacement, buy yourself a new one. The quality is assured, and energy efficiency is better, too.

2. Keep Work Areas Clean

This tip can’t be emphasized enough. Even with using modern appliances, the risk of an accident is always a lot higher when your work area is messy. The work area referred to here pertains to any place in your home where you’re using appliances. For instance, if you’re cooking, keep your kitchen counters as clean as possible. If you’re using appliances outdoors like in your deck or shed, stay on top of the mess.

3. Unplug Appliances After Use

Unplugging appliances after use may not be a practice a lot of homeowners will remember doing, especially for bigger appliances like your microwave. However, given that it’s not something you use every day, unplug it. Your wallet will thank you, so will your house, too, with safety now guaranteed more. When you unplug your appliances, you’re ensuring that they aren’t going to be accidentally switched on. Appliances that are accidentally switched on and kept on for extended periods may overheat. This is one of the first steps to electrical safety.

4. Keep All Cords And Outlets Away From Water

When you’re using cords in the kitchen, be particular about exposure to water. Electricity and water don’t go together. You may have heard of the horror stories of electrocution, and that’s not something you want in your own home. So, whenever you have appliances plugged in your kitchen and bathroom, be mindful of the cords getting anywhere close to water. All the more should this safety concern be greater when you’re using appliances outdoors. If you have sockets in your deck, cabana, or shed, be sure they have covers to avoid water exposure when it rains. That way, you don’t mistakenly plug appliances on a wet socket.

extension cord

5. Only Use Extension Cords As Temporary Solutions

The more dependent on appliances you are, the more you’ll find that your home’s sockets may no longer be sufficient for your needs. Households go through this dilemma too, hence the coming in of extension cords as the solution.

Note that extension cords are meant only as a temporary fix. It’s not something you should keep plugged in permanently. Extension cords pose a lot of safety risks such as:

  • The cords have a high likelihood of overheating and becoming a fire hazard;
  • The cords increase the risk of losing connections, which may potentially cause sparks and start a fire;
  • The cords are long, increasing the risk of water exposure and vulnerability, causing electrocution.

6. Avoid Overloading Outlets

Along with the safe use of extension cords, it’s a must also to avoid overloading outlets. Don’t plug too many extension cords and appliances all in one go. Here are two basic safety rules to follow in this regard:

  • Major appliances like ovens, refrigerators, and laundry machines should be plugged directly into the wall and not on an extension cord;
  • Avoid plugging multiple heat-producing devices on one outlet at one time.


Using electricity is second nature now to many homeowners. Just imagine how life would’ve been if you didn’t have even the most basic appliance at home. Air conditioners and heaters keep the temperature in check, kitchen appliances make cooking easier, and the list goes on and on. However, like any mechanical object, no appliance is ever perfect. Fire hazards and electrocution are serious, so you have to be careful about that. Remember to apply the tips above in your own household.

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